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#1  Edited By Gigabomber

A year back I bought Doom 2 and installed Brutal Doom, the end all and be all of Doom. I kept marveling and how tight the shooting was.

The new Doom should fall by the wayside if it doesn't lift the gore models wholesale (the executions are the weakest part). I hope it fails.

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#2  Edited By Gigabomber

They did miss some opportunities, but the bigger problem is how you have to grind these to get upgrades that should be default. They aren't very good, and you should expect Jeff to rip the required missions apart during the GOTY deliberations: I expect he is even more disappointed than I am. I actually liked carving a swath through the collectibles in the first game because the freedom of movement is the best part.

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#3  Edited By Gigabomber

The first Tomb Raider was forgettable, and this one looks like more of the same. The quicklook didn't exactly have me glued to the screen. I tried to get interested, but it looks like I'm not the only one that is taking a pass. The GB GOTY debate will hash this out further.

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#4  Edited By Gigabomber

@andrew2696: They were just acting like fearful underdogs in 3 for a long while, but once they have the upper hand, they crush anyone with any type of remotely advanced tech by any means necessary.

My feeling is that their ideology is a combination of fear of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) from the nuke era and some twisted fear that a slippery slope of tech that makes you powerful will eventually make you evil. It would make more sense if they destroyed all tech and didn't hoard it, right?

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#5  Edited By Gigabomber

Buying review scores would be a great way to secure funding for another game from a studio that cares about metacritic averages. GB crew talked about it once, and I got the impression it has never happened.

There are some perks, interviews, and advertising dollars that get thrown around, sure, but outright buying a review? No one can name a specific incident as far as I know.

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#6  Edited By Gigabomber

The truth is, if we hadn't had power armor envy beat into us by all of the previous Fallouts, we would almost all universally hate the Brotherhood of Steel. We've been indoctrinated by them by our previous quests to get the coveted armor. Best way to weaken their hold was to give us power armor early, clearly one of the best choices in this game.

I wonder what we would say if the Institute had all cloaking technology, was the faction you had to use to fast travel, or simply all of the energy weapons.

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#7  Edited By Gigabomber

So, spoilers coming in here because I disagree with some of the above posts. To frame things a bit, I don't like Fallout 3. It was forgettable and was was clearly the worst in the series. After watching about 15 hours of video (10 PC, 5 Xbox), and it is clear that Fallout 4 has optimized and streamlined problems that Fallout 3 had, while bringing in some of the old humor that New Vegas brought back, and adding some mechanics that simply make the game more surprising (which it desperately needed). Watching the gameplay has me excited to play the game, partly because I saw no gamebreaking bugs, and quite a few improvements.

Legendary Creatures and Loot, for example.

Fallout has always had a problem with the predictability of the enemy types. You know how strong a deathclaw is, a Brotherhood soldier, the usual peon raider. Worse is that you know where they are and that, later on, you can plow through many areas in the game as long as you are adequately prepared.

This game makes those encounters much more interesting by turning that predictability on its head because there are power armored raiders, legendary mutated albino deathclaws, legendary dog packs, legendary glowing ghouls, and a new enemy type that appears more dangerous than any of those. This one change increases the tension during exploration because that thudding in the basement might be an albino deathclaw capable of 2 shotting you. These starred creatures also drop legendary loot with some special properties. It's a cool diablo-like system that refreshes the series. Also, the crafting is pretty cool, and it doesn't look like there are any achievements tied to difficulty level, which is always a plus.

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Game is guaranteed to be buggy at launch. Also, listen to Jeff: don't pre-order games.

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#9  Edited By Gigabomber

Without Just cause 3, 2015 is not a great year. The bugs in Fallout 4 won't be fixed by the end of the year, so that also doesn't count. Also, Uncharted 2 is, without question, the best naughty dog game.

I should say that, I consider a good year to have several games of legend; games that can possibly stand against time and are mind-blowing. Doubt Fallout 4 will even reach that level, maybe not even Just Cause, even though it is sure to be my GOTY.

Just to damage my credibility, I liked Majora's Mask, and hated Windwaker and Twilight Princess. Feel free to write my opinion off.

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#10  Edited By Gigabomber

Giant Bomb's take will have to be that the biggest disappointment is Tony Hawk: Dan and Jeff will carry that argument without aid. Not sure why people keep mentioning Batman at all: the series peaked and expectations were at an all-time low.

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