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Games: I play 'em

Have you heard of this new game on Xbox Live Arcade called Castle Crashers? Yeah, its pretty popular right now. Over the weekend I had a marathon Castle Crashers session. Sunday I played CC with my cousin Matt (DragonStrikeZ) for I dunno, 10 hours or something. We played through the entire game and I finished it with my Red Knight and he used the Orange Knight. I was completely hooked on the game that day. To further my addiction I played a nice co-op session with the Jameses (jimb0 and 100th_Bullet) on Monday.

I've been having a blast with the game, to say the least. If you know me, you'll know that I love me some beat em up action. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, the Simpsons, Alien vs Predator, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Streets of Rage, King of Dragons, I love all those games. Castle Crashers isn't just another beat em up. I believe the game is further proof that if you add RPG elements to any genre of game, it makes the game better. The leveling, item collection and character unlockables all make the game very addicting. Even if the game didn't have any of the RPG elements, it would still be a great game, the leveling and unlockables just ensure that you'll come back to it again, and again, and again.

My experience with the game hasn't been completely positive though. You may have heard that people have had troubles getting into online matches of the game (happened to me a couple times) and there have been reports of people losing all of their collected items and animal orbs. Well, it happened to me. All the animal orbs and weapons I had unlocked in the massive 10-12 hour gaming session I had on Sunday were lost when I played some online co-op on Monday. The only things I kept were the animal orb and weapon I had equipped on my character when I last played the game. For whatever reason I still have my level 40 Red Knight and I have all the other characters I unlocked, but I've lost everything else. I have no idea why this happened, but to put it bluntly; it fucking sucks.

Because of this massive glitch, I don't think I'm going to play the game again until the Behemoth releases a patch. I don't want to reacquire everything, only to lose it all once again. If there is anyone out there that would like to help me reacquire all my animal orbs (had them all) and weapons (had the majority of them) whenever a patch is released, I would really appreciate it. (Especially if you have the flame sword from the end of the game. I missed that thing TWICE even though I was right on top of it, slamming the X button).

On to other games without game ending glitches; Resistance Fall of Man and Final Fantasy Tactics A2. Very briefly I'll say that I'm still playing FFTA2 and I've put it about 120 hours now. I've been doing a lot of side quests (have about 250 completed now) and I'm still loving it. Master Monk FTW

I rented Resistance a couple weeks ago and I finally got around to finishing it over the weekend. Overall my experience with the game was very positive. I didn't find it too hard, although the difficulty level jumped a bit too high in the last couple areas and I almost got into "throwing the controller against the wall" mode a few times. I like the design of the Chimera and the varying types of enemies you face throughout the game. The weapon variety is pretty cool (Hailstorm, Sapper) but I wish I could use the red lightning gun the Chimera have later in the game. I really like the premise of the game and the Chimera are pretty interesting. That said it'd be nice to know some more about them, like where they came from and what their purpose is. I also didn't like the 3rd person narrative and the stills in the cutscenes weren't doing it for me. The art style seems a bit cartoony at times, I was getting feelings of Timesplitters several times in the game. Not necessarily a bad thing (Timesplitters is great) but certainly not what I was expecting. After finishing Resistance, I am looking forward to playing the sequel this November.


This just made my day - New Suikoden Game on DS!

Some new announcements are coming out of Leipzig and one of them involves one of my favorite RPG series, Suikoen.  There aren't a whole lot of details, and I haven't seen any screens or video, but the next Suikoden game will be on the DS!  Currently titled Genso Suikoden Tierkreis in Japan, the art style is said to be similar to Suikoden I and II and also features the 108 Stars of Destiny. Check out the 1UP news story


Lucky Decepticons?

I saw this posted at a Transformers website and thought I'd share it with you guys.  Someone created an animation mimicking the Lucky Star anime opening but using Decepticons instead.  Just watch the videos and see for yourself.

First, the original Lucky Star anime opening:


And the Decepticon animation:


Even though I don't like Lucky Star, whoever did this animation did an extremely good job.  Lucky Star is an extremely popular anime in Japan and America right now.  It's supposed to be a comedy anime, but I didn't find it that funny.  People say its kinda like Seinfeld, the show about nothing.  Well I watched 3 or 4 episodes and I didn't see what the big deal is.  That opening theme song sure is catchy though.

Free money is awesome

You guys may or may not know that I shop at Best Buy a lot. I bought my HDTV there, I bought my PS3 there, I buy a ton of DVDs from there and of course video games. I have a RewardZone membership, which is Best Buy's loyalty program, where you earn points on everything you buy. I went to the program's website yesterday to see what was going on with my reward certificates. I knew I'd be getting at least $40 back from buying the TV and the PS3, but it has been almost 2 months since I purchased the TV and no certificates had arrived. So I checked by balance and I have... drum roll please................$150 in certificates!!! Holy shit that is awesome. I must have bought the TV and/or PS3 during triple points days or something. Sweet.Anyway, just curious what you guys think I should buy? Here are some ideas I have, but feel free to give me some of your suggestions:
  • I could try and get a Wii and only pay $100 for it (not including tax of course).
  • I could get Soul Calibur IV, but I can get that for around $45 from Gamefly in basically brand new condition and save myself $15.
  • I would totally be up for buying the Diablo battle chest which is on sale for $29.99 this week.
  • I could use it towards the final volume of the 2002 Masters of the Universe series that comes out tomorrow, but I'm buying that no matter what so it doesn't really matter.
  • I could wait a couple weeks and buy Beast King GoLion volume 2 which comes out August 12th (GoLion is a Japanese anime and part of what the U.S. butchered to form Voltron. They also butchered Dairugger XV a/k/a Vehicle Voltron).
  • I could wait until August 19th and buy the second box set of GaoGaiGar.
  • I should probably pick up Opeth's latest album, Watershed, and get the 2 disc version.
  • Or I could just buy a shitload of DVDs.

Best Buy is opening a new store in the Mall of America on Wednesday, and I can get 10% off everything then. Let me know what you guys think I should get. I'm thinking I'll just buy a shitload of DVDs, but I'm open to suggestions and recommendations.
On a quick note, I've been neglecting Soul Calibur IV if you've noticed my blurb over the weekend. I've been playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2, non stop. I basically spent the weekend half assed paying attention to the Twins games, and playing FFTA2. I've been doing a lot of leveling up and mastering as many jobs as I can and doing a lot of side quests. Currently I've put in about 65 hours and my characters are from level 40-50. I'm having a blast and I still haven't unlocked all the jobs. Current favorite: Master Monk. Holy f-ing crap that job is powerful.Have a great day!

Soul Calibur IV: The first hour

I received Soul Calibur IV (PS3 version) in the mail today and here are my brief, initial impressions.  I first went into training mode and messed around with a few characters.  I tried Ivy and noticed she has completely changed and almost none of her moves are the same.  I used to play as her and Spawn in Soul Calibur 2 on Xbox.  I was really good with her too but I'm going to have to spend a lot of time relearning everything now.  I never played Soul Calibur III, so I tried out Zasalamel because he looks cool and I love scythes.  I tried him out in Training Mode first and some of his moves look totally awesome and seem to do quite a lot of damage.

I proceeded to go into the arcade mode to test my skills, or lack thereof, with Zasalamel.  I managed to do pretty damned good for my first time using that character, and really having no idea what his moves are, except for a couple.  The fun stopped when I got to stage 7.  Siegfried at stage 6 was hard enough, but the Apprentice is practically unbeatable as far as I'm concerned.  He's extremely fast and powerful, as well as being very cheap.  He likes to do maybe 2 or 3 different moves repeatedly, and his favorite one is an uppercut.  He loves sending you into the air with his lightsaber and then hitting you 1 or 2 more times as you are falling to the ground for extra damage.  Then when you're on the ground, sometimes he'll do some force power move that creates a large shockwave of energy that does a lot of damage.  All this goes on in a matter of seconds because he's very fast.  I continuously lost and restart and got beat twice in a row, every time.  I think I managed to defeat him once or twice, but only got lucky with an unblockable attack that took like half his life.  After about 10 tries, I was ready to throw the controller into the wall and gave up.  Either Zasalamel is not the character for me, or I need A LOT of practice with him.  He looks a bit fast than Nightmare, Astaroth, Rock and those big bruisers, but he's apparently just as slow and leaves himself open a lot.

After getting my ass handed to me by the Sith Apprentice several times I shut the game off.  As cool as the Star Wars characters are, I don't think they belong in the game.  They just seem too different and don't fit the Soul Calibur universe.  Plus they have advantages over all other characters with their force power gauge (or whatever it is).  I feel like they are sort of ruining the game, especially because they are so heavily advertised and its obvious the only reason they are in the game, is to promote it to people who wouldn't normally play Soul Calibur and who are fans of Star Wars.  Maybe they should have been added as downloadable content later in the game.  You may say "well SC2 had Spawn, Link and Heihachi who aren't from Soul Calibur."  That is true, but they weren't as heavily promoted and they fit in the game and the Soul Calibur universe much better.  I mean come on, lightsabers versus swords??  Maybe the SW characters will grow on me the more time I spend playing the game, but as it is right now, I prefer them out of my Soul Calibur.


Current gaming addiction

Anyone that knows me well, will know that Final Fantasy Tactics, released on the Playstation in January of 1998, is one of my favorite games of all time. I played that game so much that I maxed out the clock at 99:99:99, so I have no idea how many hours (or hundreds of hours) I actually sunk into it back then. It was the first Strategy-RPG I had ever played and I still consider it to be one of the best SRPGs ever made, if not the best. I loved everything about it; the battle system, the music, the overly-complex story (filled with tons of double crosses and knives to the back), the job system, trying to unlock all the abilities for each job and maxing out my characters, catching chocobos, finding all the secret items, characters and spells like Excalibur, Cloud and Zodiac, and I even have this odd enjoyment hearing the cries and screams the enemies let out when you cut them down.

Anyway, on to the present. A few weeks ago, Squeenix released Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift on the Nintendo DS. It is the sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance released in September of 2003 on the GameBoy Advance. These games are not direct sequels of the original FFT but they take place in the same world as them, Ivalice. I did enjoy FFTA, but no where near as much as the original. I purchased FFTA2 from Gamefly recently and I must say, that I'm completely addicted to it. I wasn't feeling it at first, but now that I understand the changes that have been made to the job system, item collecting and learning the new features like the auction house, the bazaar and clan trials, I'm really, really enjoying it.

Probably the coolest new features are the new job classes and new races. The two new races are Seeq and Gria. The Seeq are sort of like a cross between a shark and a warthog and the Gria are female and sorta like winged demons. I have a couple Seeqs but I haven't used them much yet and I have not encountered any Grias yet. Out of all the job classes I've tried so far (which isn't even half of them) my favorite are Dragoon, Green Mage, Red Mage, Sage, Fighter and Elementalist.

There are sooo many jobs now that it's almost overwhelming, yet it is awesome. A lot of the new jobs aren't available until you get to a certain point in the main story or until you unlock them in a sidequest. Some of the more interesting ones (besides the previously mentioned ones) are Ravager, Raptor, Viking, Lanista, Sniper, Ninja, Spellblade, Trickster, Gladiator, Master Monk, Cannoneer, Templar, Arcanist, Seer and Parivir.

I could go on and on about details of the game, but I don't want to turn this into a review. I will say that I don't like the fact you can't rotate the camera at all, and the fact that the only way to learn new abilities is from items. Finding new items and finding the item that has the ability you want, can be a big process itself. I've gotten used to it though and its fun hunting down new loot so you can learn new abilities and unlock new job classes. I've put in over 20 hours now and I've really only scratched the surface of this game.


Who ya gonna call?

Ghostbusters!  This isn't exactly video game related (well there is a new game coming out for PS3 and Xbox 360) but I just thought I'd let you guys know that I just pre-ordered the entire "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon on DVD from Time Life.  The set includes ALL episodes of the Real Ghostbusters as well as a ton of bonus features.  Here are the details:

  • All episodes of The Real Ghostbusters.
  • All episodes from Slimer! and the Real Ghostbusters
  • Unique collector's box with exclusive art
    Yeah that's right, the REAL Ghostbusters
    Yeah that's right, the REAL Ghostbusters
  • The original pilot which was never before aired
  • 21 on-camera commentary tracks with producers, voice actors, writers, animators and production personnel
  • 5 exclusive documentaries
  • 86 episode introductions
  • 16-page booklets include episode synopses, trivia and art for each episode.
  • Plus scripts, storyboards, image galleries, music & effects audio tracks and much more
  • Interviews with J. Michael Straczynski (Writer & Story editor), Maurice La Marche (Voice of Egon Spengler), Laura Summer (Voice of first Janine Melnitz), Kath Soucie (Voice of second Janine Melnitz) and many others

They haven't decided on the cover art yet, and the people of get to vote on the two available box arts.  Head on over to the site HERE and cast your vote if you like.  I voted for the firehouse design.

The set isn't exactly cheap though.  It will cost $161.99 if you preorder (or $179.99 if you don't) and you can only buy it on  It's kinda steep but I mean you are getting 25 discs and the ENTIRE series which includes around 140 episodes, so I think it's a pretty good deal.  I used to watch this cartoon all the time in the late 80s/early90s back when Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was still on.  I've actually rewatched a few of these episodes recently and they hold up extremely well.  I can't wait for this set to be released.


Let's get this thing started, shall we?

So yeah, Giant Bomb has been launched. Anyone want to bet how long it takes for some IT guy monitoring my internet activity at work to think I'm researching how to build a bomb? LOL

Anyway, I'm really loving the site design so far. My only complaint is that the site doesn't work well with Internet Explorer 6. Not a big deal at all for most people since the majority of the world has at least IE 7 or a better browser such as Firefox 3. But I'm forced to use IE 6 at work, since IE 7 apparently screws up some programs we use. I call B.S., but whatever. Oh....wait a minute. It just dawned on me. I can say BULLSHIT now can't I? Ahhhh....freedom at last.

Well I'm currently in the process of filling out my profile, and adding the people I consider to be friends from my long list of "friends" on Gamespot. If I'm forgetting anyone, feel free to send me a friend request. I don't think I'll be editing any game pages just yet, but I can already see some pages that will need to be added for starters (ie Japanese import games). I just finished filling out the about me page. Feel free to read it if you've never read the version I had on GS. This is much longer and more detailed.

I'm looking forward to possibly calling this place my new home. So far its looking great! Later guys.

P.S. Anyone know the maximum image size for profile pictures and icons? Thanks

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