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Best of 2010

GoGreenRanger: Best of 2010

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  • What an absolutely awesome way to start 2010 for gaming. I played this game a lot.

    The loyalty missions in this game were the best additions to the Mass Effect Formula

    and I hope they return in Mass Effect 3. This game is absolutely worthy of the Number ONE spot.

  • Loved this game, felt awesome to kill that final spider.

  • Oh this was absolutely awesome. Great music too.

  • Got to add this. Yeah worlds different lol.

  • A pretty sound experience, but I felt the final fight was lame. Still A SPECTACULAR GAME!

  • So much fun. I suppose if one is embarrassed easily or just doesn't want look like an idiot dancing, its not very fun. For those of you that stick around for more than five seconds, you will be rewarded with a intense fun experience.

  • Loved the atmosphere of this game. Even though I received a pretty "jacked" ending, I loved this experience nonetheless.

  • It's halo you say, but NO I feel its back again and I can't wait to see what these guys do next.

  • Great combat; cliffhanger ending...

  • Yeah its Rock Band. OH WAIT THERE'S a KEYBOARD! Same game to me. Still fun, mechanically different, but yeah its Rock Band, That fundamental fact has not changed. That is a good thing.

  • Why is this here you ask? Well Gamefreak and Nintendo finally got me to play one of these games again. Not just playing it again, I played Soul Silver to death. I loved this game, more than enough reason for this to be on the list.