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2014: Games I've Played

2014 has been a weird year for me. Two funerals, an insane work schedule, a large home reno, and lots of other stuff going on at home has made this a really weird year for me in terms of gaming. Now that things have settled down (other than a few trips we'll be taking soon) and I have a working hard drive in my PS4, I'm hoping that I can spend some time getting caught up on some gaming!


[1] - Honest Destiny Trailer

Games I still need to play:

  • Assassin's Creed Black Flag
  • Infamous Second Son
  • Watch Dogs
  • GTA 5 PS4 edition
  • Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
  • Shadow of Mordor [next on my list during the break]
  • Diablo 3 expansion
  • ...and whatever else I've missed in the interim. :D

Although the year isn't over yet, might as well rank my favorite games of 2014:

  1. Elite: Dangerous
  2. South Park: The Stick of Truth
  3. Transistor
  4. Walking Dead Season 2
  5. Broken Age (Part 1)

I know I didn't play much this year, but I'm leaving this at 5 -- I can't think of 10 games I played this year, and even so, a game like Destiny doesn't even belong on it. Hopefully next year is a better year for gaming.

List items

  • Played on PC. Honestly, I didn't understand the hype... ultimately, I found it underwhelming.

  • Played Act 1 of 2. The animation is top notch, the puzzles fun, and I enjoyed the story. Loved it, can't wait for Act 2.

  • Amazing game.

  • Played episodes 1 and 2.

  • Played episodes 1, 2 and 3.

  • Wow, it's been awhile since I played games. Given that work has been so busy for the last six months, I'm not surprised that my games list for this year has been short.

    I played Transistor on PS4, and enjoyed it... I just wish there was a bit more variety in the combat, especially towards the end when I felt like I was overwhelming powerful against enemies.

  • Finished it... played episodes 4 and 5.

    In the end, The Wolf Among Us is merely average. The story is relatively straight forward if not clumsily put together, and the "shades of grey" dialog options don't feel meaty like in The Walking Dead (at least Season 1).

  • Finally played through the last DLC on list: Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage. Very good stuff; I almost forgot how much I love Borderlands 2 :D I had gotten roughly 2/3 of the way through the DLC before things got really busy this year, and it was great to finally finish up.

    Still lots to do though, and those Headhunter packs haven't even been started yet!

  • Given the summer draught of games, I finally finished off Infamous Second Son, which I bought earlier in the year, but didn't have the time to sit down and play. It's a good game, in the vein of the original Infamous... just don't expect much more than an open-world superhero game.

    And maybe that's the problem. There's alot of great powers -- by the end of the game, you feel like a god -- but ultimately the Saints Row franchise actually dampers my praise. SR is super fun the whole way through, and never takes itself seriously.

    Come on Volition... I need a Saints Row 5! :D

  • I've finished the main campaign of Destiny. No point of rehashing my thoughts about it, which are in line with everyone else.

    The link [1] at the top of this list perfectly summarizes my feelings about Destiny.

    Not sure how much I'll play going forward, and really bummed that I splurged for the DLC up front.

  • So, yeah, I've been spending all my free time playing Elite Dangerous lately. I missed out on the original Elite and Frontier: Elite II. The former isn't surprising as the BBC Micro is unknown about over here, but the latter I always wanted but could never find a copy of for my Amiga here in Canada no matter how hard I tried.

    I missed out on the initial Kickstarter -- part of me totally forgot all of those cool spaceship screenshots from my Amiga Format magazines, but I did join up for the "Premium Beta" section after seeing all of the cool Oculus Rift videos out there. I'm glad I did. It's beautiful, and even the docking is challenging. Great ship upgrade mechanics, multiple ship ownership, trading, fighting, mining, piracy -- it's easy to get lost in this fantastic world.

    It's still in beta and is glitchy as hell (especially beta 3 right now), but even so, it's easily the best space sim I've ever played... and possibly my favorite game of this year.

  • Since I can't spend just months playing Elite Dangerous, back to The Walking Dead Season 2, which I finally finished after a bit of a hiatus while waiting for episodes 3, 4, and 5.

    Unfortunately, after playing through the amazing Season 1, Season 2 just doesn't compare. Episode 5 has some amazing highs -- probably, if not slightly better, than the ones in Season 1 -- but it was a rough ride getting there.

    The worst atrocity for me is that there are characters that are around for multiple episodes, but when they perish, no one bothers to even blink an eye. Things like that crack my believability in the story.

    Regardless, I still enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to picking up Tales from the Borderlands shortly as well.

  • I can't stop playing. My GOTY for 2014 for sure.