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About what I expected. JJ and John being off in la-la land about pretty much every aspect of the Swatch and Mark slowly but surely bringing them back to reality while their inner Nintendo fanboy tries to remain hopeful this thing isn't behind the 8-ball.

It's basically a souped-up Vita except with Nintendo IP behind it. It won't tank as hard as the Vita solely because of juggernaut franchises like Mario and Zelda, but it's not going to do any great numbers. The only thing it has going for it is being a unified home/portable console from Nintendo. If they keep the 3DS going in parallel, I agree with Mark, it is all but doomed unless it's super cheap. Like <$200 cheap.

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What's the Skyrim mod video they reference? Something about clean faces? I can't find it.

Well they mention the clean faces mod but I think they were laughing about the dragons being replaced by Macho Man Randy Savage.

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It's not even close, the brown note ability is way better than the shooting food out of people's mouth ability. First of all, the food one relies on the person to be eating. The force-shitting merely requires they've eaten in the previous, what, 48 hours? Even then, as long as they have water in their body you could force them to liquid shit, I'd imagine. The real question though is, do you have to be in the person's presence, be able to see them, or just think about them to activate. The former limits the usefulness obviously and the latter being the most useful, but even if you could just see the person on a screen and activate your ability, imagine the havoc you could wreak. Trump in a debate, just starts uncontrollably shitting his pants. Vladimir Putin on the news, instant diarrhea wherever he is. Assad, that douche nozzle in the Philippines, the Scientology guy. I'm sure there are other shitheads I'm forgetting. Hell, theoretically I suppose you could make someone shit themselves to death, couldn't you? Much better super power.

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Read the article you link to.

The issue isn't whom Luckey supports for president, but the origins of the group Nimble America: a subreddit called "/r/The_Donald" that's directly associated with the growing alt-right movement. And the alt-right movement is associated with white nationalism, anti-Semitism, conspiracy theorists, and Gamergate supporters, for starters.

So he gave money to a PAC. A PAC associated with a subreddit. A subreddit associated with alt-right movement(s). A movement associated with white nationalism, ect.

Luckey > PAC > subreddit > alt-right > white nationalists

That puts him at least three degrees of separation removed from being any of those things or supporting them. Call me crazy, but I feel like a true anti-Semite wouldn't sell his company to and continue to work for a Jewish man.

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Edited By graf1k

RE: The politics. I don't support Trump. Never have, never will. He's an idiot. A base idiot at that. He taps into people's fears and manipulates them through it, he spouts lies nearly nonstop and when called on it, he either counters with yet more lies or pivots to something completely different and starts lying all over again. I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton come November, although I'm far from her biggest fan.

That said, I'll never support the idea that someone's support of a candidate should be grounds for them losing their job. As I think Vinny said, the one thing we absolutely know NimbleAmerica has done was that billboard. The rest is just hearsay until proven otherwise. I don't believe in guilt by association as a practice. Not in a courtroom, not in the court of public opinion. So when you boil it all down, Luckey gave money to a pro-Trump/anti-Hillary group/PAC and made a dumb "freedom-stripper" joke. Certainly not a good look, but nothing that should cost the man his job. As long has he didn't use Oculus funds or resources to help NimbleAmerica, his personal politics should be his to keep and I'd say that for him, or a pro-life pro-choice (brainfart!) advocate working for a religious group or any such scenario. Devs that want to pull their games from Oculus because they disagree with his politics are perfectly within their right to do so and I have no qualms with that either.

I also take issue with Alex's assertion that video games cannot be apolitical. There are SO MANY things in life that could be apolitical if people would just let them be. Granted, that's not to say that politics must be kept out of video games at all costs. That would be saying video games cannot be political, which is also false.

For the life of me I still can't figure out the Will Wright supporting Giuliani thing. I just cannot figure out what political/policy overlap is there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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@nagafen said:

So weird how you cannot activate a phone you didn't buy from your network in the us. Here in the U.K. If you buy a phone from Apple, it works with any network, even if you buy from a network you just pay 10 quid to unlock it and some networks don't even bother and just sell unlocked phones.

Well, I believe Dan said he was on AT&T before trying to switch to Sprint and that's where the problem would come in. AT&T is a GSM network and Sprint is CDMA I'm pretty sure. As I understand it, all of Europe and most of the rest of the world are all on GSM. I thought Apple finally started putting both antennas in all their phones, but maybe you have to specifically order an unlocked phone to get one that supports all networks. When you order a phone online from Apple they ask you which carrier and a lot of Android phones has carrier specific variants, particularly on Verizon.

But yes, the way it is for you guys is the way it should be here. Telecoms here aren't happy until they all overcharge people for progressively shittier service.

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Edited By graf1k

I don't really get this "it doesn't have anything to say on the subject" criticism. Not specifically just Mankind Divided as I haven't played it yet (then again, that didn't seem to stop 2/3rds of the Beast crew from weighing in, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) but just in general. The one trump card gaming has over other entertainment mediums is choice and you can't really honor that while forcing such a rigid commentary of societal ills as Alex, Danielle, and Vinny seem to want. All you can really do is present issues and situations that let the player decide how they think it should be handled. That's the kind of leeway you can give the player because there are no direct consequences of their actions. Otherwise, 99.9% of Civ players would go for a peaceful resolution every time. As a species, we know that's the right answer almost every time, but sometimes you just want to see how it would play out the other way, kind of like that space 4X game Austin was talking about a few months ago.

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Edited By graf1k

Just finished up and at the end, there seemed to be some confusion about how to safely initiate Reggae. Before Reggae can be initiated, all parties involved must consent to the Reggae. The first party, Jeff in this case, would go to the second party, Axl Rose, and ask "Would you like to have Reggae?" Avoid terminology like "Give me some Reggae!" as that could be considered as forcing someone who is unwilling into having Reggae against their will. At this point, if Axl is up for some Reggae with Jeff, he can give his verbal consent, at which point these two consenting adults can safely engage in some Reggae.

Hope that helps! Although just to be thorough, in this particular case, Jeff may want to consider explaining to Axl just exactly what he means by Reggae because after watching this video, I'm not at all convinced Axl knows what the fuck Reggae is...

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God, that thing is so pointless. 4K console that doesn't do UHD or native 4K. Why not just focus on 1080p60fps or something worthwhile? Unless there's a generous trade-up program ($200+) by retailers, I don't see the point.