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Unconventional heroes: Why I now dig Wrestling.

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Wrestling has always been a spectators sport I associated with the brands Busch and towards the end of when I stopped watching(the height of the attitude era) I associated it with a brand like Colt 45 Malt Liquor. As I come back to wrestling I notice one thing: Wrestling has changed, or at least the WWE has. Starting at RAW before Summerslam, the two faces featured are far more gentrified than their heroes of yore. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk could be faces of Dogfish Head & Pabst Blue Ribbon. This isn’t to say that WWE has cleaned up it’s act, but it seems to have grown up. I thought long and hard why they’d do this. Why would a company such as this make the face of their company a beefed up Sam Beam look-alike that you could see walking into a Third Wave Coffee shop to read some Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s The Idiot? For the same reason CM Punk is coming out in an American Apparel fleece hoodie.

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It makes perfect sense. The sort of people going to WWE events generally live in and around metropolitan areas. They know if they promote wrestlers that the ‘city-slickers’ will genuinely love, then they will cheer and boo when they want them to. It’s been a blast to watch this all unfold. As soon as I got done watching Daniel Bryan on RAW two Tuesdays ago, he evoked the same passion I once got rooting for the soft-spoken majesty that is Brian Wilson as a Giants fan with the effectual attitude of Mick Foley. Whenever Daniel Bryan’s talking I’m smiling, and whenever Cena opens his mouth it comes off as Clint Eastwood chair moment. So while Cena is on vacation after elbow elbow surgery for 6 months we can finally have our halftime in America and enjoy a few months of great wrestling.

It seems I jumped on just as the WWE stopped pandering to middle-America and children, and they've captured people like me. As long as the crowds stay interesting and the characters continue to be good, I'm going to continue to watch. What’s the Giant Bomb community’s reaction to current events in the WWE and what is your take on my take of your sport? As a burgeoning fan, I'd like to know what the seasoned vets think.


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