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Quick thoughts on games I have played, games I have bought and games left in stasis

Games in stasis i should finish...

Psychonauts (ps2) I  WANT, WANT, WANT to finish this game a little bit like I always wanted to finish Beyond good and evil, But then when i got around to Bg&e I had  moved on to buying then-next-gen (rhyme!) games for my 360, If i ever get a bigger HDD for my 360 i will possibly, probably  consider rebuying that game because I enjoyed what I played of it immensely.. Psychonauts on the otherhand i bought to tide me over while my 360 was off in Prague or wherever they fix euro 360s after theyve red ringed.. The writing and story and design is amazing and I really wish i could finish it, unfortunately i no longer have a ps2 because i borrowed my sisters to play it and that means my save is irrelevant.. part of me just doesnt want to go through what i had already gone through I remember  the controls and the platforming being a little broken... maybe i need a third rrod... NO!

zelda: the phantom hourglass (DS)
There is a couple of DS's floating about my home, none of them belong to me..  I just know theyre there and theres a copy of zelda floating about, I played it initially for two or 3 days  and was hugely charmed by the game... Its zelda, It can wait Zelda has never been about the story.. I really have no excuse

Games i have bought (and not played)

jet set radio future (xbox)
I bought jsrf , people talk about it fondly. I have no intention of playing the game at the minute but you can guarantee when you WANT to play it  , you just wont be able to find it anywhere, I started it up and played a bit of it First thing i noticed is how incredibly beautiful the game is, even now.

Games i have bought (and played)

Mercenaries 2 :world in flames (360)

I think I hate this game, I  enjoy it with my friend, I enjoy the explosions, I enjoy  the open ended nature but seriously pandemic , DUDE, YOUS GAME IZ BROKE!
 looping voices- The same two or 3 things are said over and over and over again.... ive put over 6 hours into the game I KNOW FIONA.. if i get stuck i can come back to the PMC base. DYING... I die often not due to incompetent gaming but due to a spawning tank from nowhere  or a rocket or a helicopter, sometimes i want to break things,  The game doesnt even have an animation to signify youve revived your partner, sometimes enemies ignore you and friends shoot at you, sometimes while going after a bounty the bounty will kill himself or his friend will fire a rocket into his face, Its fun when just being played for the explosions witha friend but the campaign is A. too short and B. completely boring, I just wanted to skip anything with story in it and that shouldnt be the case when peter stormare is in it. The game seriosly needed another 6 months of fixing the bugs.

Star Wars the force unleashed (360)

plays awesome.. until you hit bosses or the bit with the star destroyer, At least this game makes you feel awesome for the majority of the game, The few faults with the game can be overlooked by the style and design and wonderful story that fits 100% into the original trilogy universe, The force powers and combo system works wonderfully. The biggest issue being when those powers are made redundant by the bosses..... a few too many quick time events also.

Wipeout HD (Ps3)

Beautifully fast, I love the wipeout design, The online is so fast and furious, the game is like wipeout... the prettiest wipeout on the market.. A little too ahrd for newcomers and people not very good at racing games, even on "novice" the game still asks perfection of you at times making it more frustrating than fun.

Games ive have been playing which i have owned for a while

pixeljunk eden

garden 3, spectra 4 almost full time... fall to the out of time


Games which I have played on a  console that doesnt belong to me

Mario galaxy (Wii)

This game is awesome, not the revelation a lot of reviewers made it out to be when it was released, but definately the best 3D mario i have played, i was never fond of mario64 I think I was one of the few that was frightened of the jump from 2D to 3D. I just didnt like it, I since played a little of it again and its better than i thought then... anyways galaxy is a great game and i got the hang of the wii controls pretty easily, I do find the whole remote/ pointer thing to be a lot more unresponsive than i thought it would be

Lost winds (wii)

It looks and sounds lovely, its like a 2D zelda.... Its fun until you realize you have to go back  15 minutes to your last save and you want to smash the fucker.... good job its not a physical product then.

yes these are a bunch of games ive been playing maybe id tell you about the japanese cat-game that takes a million years to load up on the ps3.....
Its called Mainichi isho if youre curious... theres seven trophies 3 are easy to get the last 4 take idiotic amounts of time and pressing the x button over and over and over x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,xx,,x,x,x,,x,xx,x,x,x,x,,xx,,x,x,x,,x,x,,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,,x,x,x,x,x,x,,x,x,x,x,,x,x,x,x,,x,x,x,x,x,x,,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,,x,x,x,x,x,x,,x,x,x,x,x,x occasionally youl get a triangle or a circle or and option to choose....

the things i do for trophies.
