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Completely Bored / Hate my job

I know I may upset some of you for typing this, but I am really bored. I have been at work since 7:00am and it is now 3:00pm. I work in a call center; I haven't taken a single call all day. Usually I take calls for customer service dealing with people who bought thing off of different websites, and got a broken piece of garbage, and things like that. But today, nothing... Not a single call, just me sitting here alone in a corner looking at crazy things on the internet waiting for my 10 hour boredom fest to get over with. I hate this job and want to quit so bad I can smell it. Anyone else have a bad job they want to talk about?


New MK is looking good, what characters do you want to see?

I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that is befouling their britches over the new Mortal Kombat that's on it's way. When I first began watching the footage of the game play, I started to think "Yeah, I could see this being good", then I saw the X-ray moves, the tag team action, and the sweet combos, and man am I glad I was already on the toilet! Personally I really liked Rain from the old MK games, and never saw him again, so I would like to see them throw him back in, and if thats not going to happen I could settle with Ermac. What are some of the old characters that you guys want to see in this rebirth of a legend?


Human Revolution

So I pre-ordered Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and since I have to wait around for a damn long time to play it, I realized thats not good enough! Lets start our own revolution and take down the governments of the world through mass unity for no apparent reason at all, because I'm bored and so are you. Follow, me and I will follow you, and next thing you know, we will be running the world on thrones made from the entrails of our enemies!


I can't wait for console MMO'S, and I don't care who knows it!

It started with hearing about Age of Conan for the Xbox 360. I could not believe my ears, and I didn't, which paid off because that never happened and never will. Recently announced was Final Fantasy XIV for the PS3 and PC, and the same fear hit me for a brief moment while I thought about the possibility of console failure and how bad Final Fantasy XI was. All that fear evaporated when I saw just how well everything was going, and now I just can't wait. 
There has been a lot of doubt in people's minds about MMO'S coming out for consoles, and there is quite a lot of merit to these doubts, as we haven't seen anything very successful happen for consoles sporting this genre, pretty much ever. But no need to fear, as I am telling you all right now, that once FFXIV hits the market, there WILL be a rise in profitability for MMO'S on consoles. Perhaps only the PS3, at first, but the video game industy is an ever changing organism that will accomidate the consumer's needs given the proper time. We have the technology, we have little keyboards that connect to the controller, hell we even have the ability to connect a keyboard and mouse directly to the console! In fact, you can even browse the damn web with a console. There really is nothing holding back developers when you really look at it, so please gamers, look to the future of online gaming with hope, and try and lose those negative thoughts about the issue, because all we need is one big reason to keep the MMO console train in motion, and I believe that with FFXIV pulling the cuboose, we will have that reason!


W.o.W. Movie is... GONNA HAPPEN, should we care?

So World of Warcraft finally got a little too big for its digital shoes, and is now leaking into a new media. THE MOVIES! So we knew this was gonna happen. I was not too excited, and I'm still not really, but I think it could work. I have read a few of the novels based around the story, and I like what I read. Rise of the Horde was a great story in itself and could easily make a great movie, but thats what I'm worried about. What story are they gonna make? Is it  gonna be live action? or all CG and fancy? We dont know. my guess is live action with a shit ton of CG. Seems logical. The good thing is we know who will direct it, and that will be Sam Raimi. If you dont know his name right away, dont worry. Most dont. If you look him up you will see he has done such films as: The Evil Dead, and Maniac Cop. He then Moved on to direct Spiderman, and that did pretty damn good... Well the first two did. And I guess if you are looking at sales the third did pretty good also, but that movie sucked. Anyways thats about all I know so far. Im kind of excited, but I will need to see more to really get pumped...


The Perilous Chronicle: Chronicles of The Mystic Adventure Part 1

Bobby Kotick, some may know him as the CEO of the popular video game company, Activision, however, there are a select few who know this man's true identity... His real persona, and know of his many names he was once called. In ancient times, The Kotick came to this planet in a swirling fireball of metal and debris, as his space craft was stuck out of the sky by a stray space rock. He was forced to this planet, and when he realized there was no way back, he decided to claim this world as his own.

The simple inhabitants of the world gathered around the broken smoldering husk of the strange metal object that had just invaded their simple lives, sticks and spears at the ready. The shields lowered and the bent obscure panel shot outward from the frame, exposing a thick layer of mist, slowly leaking from the exposed entryway. One of the brave primitive warriors slowly inched the tip of his wooden spear into the mist, testing his curiosity. Before the spearhead could make contact with the mist, a light, much like that of the sun, shot forth from the entryway, and before the Earthlings could blink, the spear desintegrated into ash in the warriors hand, and out from the mist stepped The Kotick. The Earthlings recoiled at the sight of the strange curled mass of hair that rested at the top of The Koticks head, and at his strange unfamiliar attire.

The Kotick's eyes, dark and full of sequels with no chance of a new IP, scanned the surroundings and then stopped at the group of cave dwellers in front of him. After a moment of silence, The Kotick accepted that this rock was his new home, and decided to announce his rule among these pitiful underlings before him. "BEHOLD! I AM THE KOTICK! ARCH-SPACEWIZARD AND MASTER OF THE RUNES OF AHB-DUN-KAH, YOU ARE ALL NOW MY SLAVES! BOW BEFORE MY AWESOME POWER!" The poor people of Earth obviously could not understand the ramblings of the alien being before them, and so they did not bow... Instead they just stood there, too perplexed to run, or to attack the being that now stood before them. Insulted, The Kotick's face became wrinkled in dissapointment. He threw up his hand, making the Earth people jump back in surprise, and the man who tried poking his spear into the vessel, was ungulfed in a putrid black smog, that began to tear away flesh and bone, until there was nothing left at all. "BEHOLD" said The Kotick, "I AM THE KOTICK!"....

Look out for Part 2: Rise of Power, coming July 22nd!


Reggie Fils-Aime is a Douche Bagger

In case you don't know, Reggie Fils-Aime is the President of Nintendo of America, and how he got there eludes me, as he is about as dumb as a rock that a baby ate, then shit out, and somehow got stuck in the toilet. I love me some video games and from time to time, my meager paychecks are just not enough to get ahold of some of those $60 games. So I like to buy used games from time to time. Little did I know that Reggie Fils-Aime now thinks I am a terrorist, and that I want to find and rape the poor sweet innocent video game monopolies of the world with a fistfull of rusty nails. During a press conference, good ol' Reggie had this to say about used video games: "You don't see businesses selling used music CDs or used DVDs," Are you fuckin' serious? And then he continues with this fucked up bullshit:

"We don't believe used games are in the best interest of the consumer. We have products that consumers want to hold onto. They want to play all of the levels of a Zelda game and unlock all of the levels." Because the second you sell your copy of Zelda to Game Crazy, it becomes a demo right? He then ends his putrid rant with this:

"A game like Personal Trainer Cooking has a long life, We believe used games aren't in the consumer's best interest. Describe another form of entertainment that has a vibrant used goods market. Used books have never taken off. The consumer likes having a brand-new experience and reliving it over and over again. If you create the right type of experience, that also happens in video games."  Keep telling yourself that Reg, some of us realize that a used copy of a game means that someone gave that company their money for that game already, and I dont have the cash to buy it myself or I would. So Reggie is a Douche Bagger, there you have it.