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PlayStation Move only $49.99*

*Oh, but you will need a Playstation Eye (Camera) and Sub-controller, too, for the full experience. :P 
And don't forget those games that use two Moves, one for each hand!   

$39.99 - PlayStation Eye
$49.99 - Move Controller  
$49.99 - Move Controller   #2
$29.99 - Sub-Controller 
$169.96 = Full Experience Total 
Of course you could get just an Eye and a Move for only $89.98, or the bundle that gives you those and the Sports game for $99.99, but you'll need to add on that Sub-controller separately to use the new tech with a traditional game like Killzone 3.  
Which experience is best for which type of game is yet to be seen, but that's a big expense for some Wii+ HD.  
Something tells me the Kinect will be a much better value at whatever price they eventually announce.  You will only ever need one Kinect regardless of the number of players and also save yourself money on batteries.  I have a feeling their primary target audience, children, will actually enjoy something like Kinect better as well (so long as it works well) because it mixes two things they love better then Wii or Move - Imagination and Video Games.