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PSN Network, Warseer, F3Nexus all hit by Hackers

This is becoming more and more common and starting to get annoying. As well as the PSN Network the Fallout 3 Nexus and Warseer (the Gamesworkshop rumour site) have both been hit by hackers. Makes you wonder what has happened to computer security these days? Is nothing safe? Should we be worried about our private information? What is privicy as we're phoned by marketing companies all the time across our normal telephone lines?

Makes you wonder really what is going on and if there was someone who wanted to go into internet security, they could make an absolute killing. Considering to unblock your microsoft e-mail now takes an act of god, are we now so distrusting of each other than internet will just implode as no one will believe in free speech any more?

In economics, a country can put up barriers to prevent imports from other countries. Is the internet going to get this way with each area being its own hub where others will have a high barrier to entry. The argument then is as long as there is a single barrier, won't hackers exsist and find ways across that barrier?

I understand some hatred for multinational companies and capitalisation but look at what your wearing and using. New technology does cost a lot of money but devalues quickly, nearly as fast as when you buy a car and drive it off the forcourt. There needs to be money in the market or our form of entertainment will just go back to throwing marbles into circles.

As a user of many electronics, it disheartens me to hear about all this, when at the end of the day we are all here for one thing, to be entertained.