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"Do better. Fill that void with love for yourself. I don’t mean jerking off (though sure, do that too a bunch) but get to know y...

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2014 in video games

Worst trend: (Big) (budget) games don't work (at launch)

On a related note:

The Giant Bomb Please Stop award from 2013: "Games that require post-launch apologies"

Future Trend: 2015 will be the year of Victorian England as a setting.

Take a Break: Assassin's Creed/Ubisoft

Most Disappointing Game: Destiny

Successor to the Northies: The Baker's Dozen - The 12 best Troy Baker performances of the year.

The "Oh god why doesn't someone make this game?" award: A highlander video game goddamnit. Use Shadow of Mordor as a template and make that game! Hell reboot that entire franchise too. Don't put in any story or character connections at all, just the basic concepts of a group of immortal beings chopping each other's heads off to gain more power.