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Core Franchises I Have Skipped

Due to the nature of this list, I won't have much to sabout the them. These are games that I refrain from commenting on.

List items

  • I was curious when it was still being developed for Macs, disappointed when it went Xbox exclusive. The PC port was so late that by the time I played it I had moved on to PC focused games Half Life and Baldur's Gate. The Windows Demo disappointed and I didn't touch it again until recently. I finally bought it on the Xbox market place, played a couple of levels, no interest.

  • I touched the original Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo when they were new, maybe an hour total, and none of them did it for me. It wasn't a genre thing, because I did play Buldar's Gate and sequels (direct and spiritual), the whole C&C series, etc, Blizzard's stuff just didn't grab me. I did try the Starcraft "Demo", stopped after two levels, just not for me.

  • Civ 2 was almost immediately irritating. Weird, because years later I LOVED Alpha Centari and completed it multiple times. Recently I picked Civ 4 on a steam sale, tried a few rounds, no thank you!

  • I'm sure this is pretty common, but I would like to play Fable 2, I just don't want to play it on Xbox. No PC port, no sale!

  • No Tengo un PS3

  • Forza 2 came with my Xbox (along with MUA). I played it for 5 minutes and then traded it into gamestop. Three games later and I still don't see the appeal.

  • I could list every sports franchise, but this is the one that has the most cross over with Zelda and Doom loving core gamers like me. For over a decade, "Madden Day" was one of the few annual events to raise the profile of videogames to the main stream (more so than E3). That being said, I have absolutely zero interest in foozball.