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8-8-10: An Update on Games and Junk.

While I'm almost positive no one reads anyone elses blogs on this site I figure I might as well continue writing on here for something to do anyway. I'll end up getting that quest done, right?
I've been playing a ton of vidya games recently. Ninja Gaiden Sigma II (playing for review), Yakuza 3, Ryu ga Gotoku: Kenzan!, and Starcraft II being the most prominent in my gaming line up. However, I have games I haven't even touched yet: Ghostbusters, Way of the Samurai 3, and several PS2 games I purchased on a whim. I had money and nothing else to do with it. What can I say? I've also managed to get my girlfriend into video games on a more hardcore level than before. When I met her she was strictly a Nintendo gamer and now she comes over regularly to play inFamous and Prototype on my PS3. She also recently commandeered my PS2 so she could play Bully and Beyond Good and Evil at her place. I really enjoy watching her play games. I'm hoping I can get her to play Scott Pilgrim co-operatively when that drops on Tuesday. 
I recently got Ryu ga Gotoku: Kenzan! in the mail and have been attempting to play that (it's entirely in Japanese) but my Japanese language skills aren't quite up to par. I took one Japanese college course and passed with a C but I still take pride in being able to recognize at least some of what the characters are saying and being able to read a great deal of the hiragana in the game. Luckily the game plays very similarly to Yakuza 3 so I have no trouble with the combat sections. I did have to stumble through the menus when I first put the disc in though. The game has actually reinvigorated my interest in the culture and language so I've looked into a few online courses. Anyone interested in learning Japanese can ask me about those. They're free and work surprisingly well.  
Watashi wa binnbou desu. 



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Edited By hedinnweis

While I'm almost positive no one reads anyone elses blogs on this site I figure I might as well continue writing on here for something to do anyway. I'll end up getting that quest done, right?
I've been playing a ton of vidya games recently. Ninja Gaiden Sigma II (playing for review), Yakuza 3, Ryu ga Gotoku: Kenzan!, and Starcraft II being the most prominent in my gaming line up. However, I have games I haven't even touched yet: Ghostbusters, Way of the Samurai 3, and several PS2 games I purchased on a whim. I had money and nothing else to do with it. What can I say? I've also managed to get my girlfriend into video games on a more hardcore level than before. When I met her she was strictly a Nintendo gamer and now she comes over regularly to play inFamous and Prototype on my PS3. She also recently commandeered my PS2 so she could play Bully and Beyond Good and Evil at her place. I really enjoy watching her play games. I'm hoping I can get her to play Scott Pilgrim co-operatively when that drops on Tuesday. 
I recently got Ryu ga Gotoku: Kenzan! in the mail and have been attempting to play that (it's entirely in Japanese) but my Japanese language skills aren't quite up to par. I took one Japanese college course and passed with a C but I still take pride in being able to recognize at least some of what the characters are saying and being able to read a great deal of the hiragana in the game. Luckily the game plays very similarly to Yakuza 3 so I have no trouble with the combat sections. I did have to stumble through the menus when I first put the disc in though. The game has actually reinvigorated my interest in the culture and language so I've looked into a few online courses. Anyone interested in learning Japanese can ask me about those. They're free and work surprisingly well.  
Watashi wa binnbou desu. 

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I read your blog.

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Edited By hedinnweis

Looks like I stand corrected then. 

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Edited By LiquidS

I read your blog.

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Edited By hedinnweis

Alright, alright. I was wrong about no one reading blogs. lol