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Why Red Dead Redemption is so fun.

I bought a little game called Red Dead Redemption on Tuesday, and I have to say I'm very suprised.  It's a really fun game with an absolute plethora of things to do.  But the reason why I like it so much isn't just the gameplay.  Red Dead is one of those games that took me by suprise.  There wasn't a lot of marketing hype or trailers and R* didn't spam game sites with dev diaries or trailers that seem to come out every day.  They also held back on the review side as well, as no one could post a review before the game came out (unless you're IGN of course).  
This is why I think RDR is just so damn appealing.  When i started the game, all I knew about the story was that you played as a cowboy.  I find this refreshing because as someone who frequents video game news and community sites, I still had no idea what was going on.  This is what lead to my revelation of how games like Dead Space, Alan wake and GoW3 lose some of their magic because of how much of the game people already know when going in.  I know I control how much of this information I intake, but when I'm genuinely excited for a game I'll consume as much content as they can give me in anticipation. 
If you take Alan Wake as a recent example, it had some sort of mini-series that was supposed to be a prequel, a bunch of dev diaries and let review out rather early.  So within that week or so before the game actually came out, I kinda got burned out on the whole Alan Wake thing.  Then I check gamespots releases for this week and see that RDR is launching this week.  Then all the memories of that game start coming back and it's only 2 or 3 days before the games release.
So cheers to R* San Diego and Take Two for putting out such a high quality product while keeping the game's intrigue intact from start to finish.