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Wuulfräd's Journey (Part 4)

Sorry about the delay (Not that anyone cares or actually follows this :P). A multitude of different games took my time away from skyrim and I had to replay sections to find myself where I was in the story and most importantly Wuulfräd's story.

22nd of Last Seed 4E 201

As evening approached, I left the city to hunt. It'd get me some needed exercise, since I feel so restless whenever I'm in Whiterun. Something always had to be done when I was on my trial of solitude, whether it was hunt for food, cut wood, fend off wolves... I was never out of things to do. I’m sure you understand, my love – your father was very much the same. I wonder how he’s doing?

As I was scouring the land, I came across what looked like two mages having a magic duel. I approached cautiously to figure out if this was a friendly spellcasting contest or if it was a fight for their lives, but as I got a better viewpoint, the picture was much clearer - these two were set to kill.

One was firing ice magic while the other relied on fire. As the battle unfolded the fire mage fell and the ice mage took the advantage, freezing her solid...then looked at me.

As the mage came closer, readying another attack, I saw that it was a female.

I tried stopping her, but she would have none of it.

I had to defend myself. I have never harmed a woman before, let alone killed one, and I made it quick and painless. I walked over to the corpse of the fire mage and noticed that it was also a female. Fighting over a loved one, perhaps? The things people do out of jealousy can be astounding.

I buried them far away from each other, it seeming right at the time.

Night had fallen as I stumbled upon a Giant’s camp...I had never dreamed I'd see an actual giant. I carefully and slowly approached it, not wanting to give off the impression that I was here to attack. Although I was rebuffed, a giant waved his club in a manner that suggested I should leave. I decided to heed his warning without a second thought.

I was told as a boy that Giants are ancient Nords who evolved differently from us. Tales told that they had an amazing skill in battle and their strength was legendary. If Giants truly are the old Nords, I would believe it.

As I make my way up this mountain, I see I am nearing Bleak Falls Barrow. I remember what the Jarl's mage had told me, and I am preparing carefully for what may be ahead.

The snow fall is heavy and I can't see very far, although to cease your worrying, I am warm. I have padded my leather armor with pelts on the inside. Part of me wishes I had made a helmet, but now is not the time for that sort of thinking. I will rest for a while, and then continue.




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Edited By hero_swe

Sorry about the delay (Not that anyone cares or actually follows this :P). A multitude of different games took my time away from skyrim and I had to replay sections to find myself where I was in the story and most importantly Wuulfräd's story.

22nd of Last Seed 4E 201

As evening approached, I left the city to hunt. It'd get me some needed exercise, since I feel so restless whenever I'm in Whiterun. Something always had to be done when I was on my trial of solitude, whether it was hunt for food, cut wood, fend off wolves... I was never out of things to do. I’m sure you understand, my love – your father was very much the same. I wonder how he’s doing?

As I was scouring the land, I came across what looked like two mages having a magic duel. I approached cautiously to figure out if this was a friendly spellcasting contest or if it was a fight for their lives, but as I got a better viewpoint, the picture was much clearer - these two were set to kill.

One was firing ice magic while the other relied on fire. As the battle unfolded the fire mage fell and the ice mage took the advantage, freezing her solid...then looked at me.

As the mage came closer, readying another attack, I saw that it was a female.

I tried stopping her, but she would have none of it.

I had to defend myself. I have never harmed a woman before, let alone killed one, and I made it quick and painless. I walked over to the corpse of the fire mage and noticed that it was also a female. Fighting over a loved one, perhaps? The things people do out of jealousy can be astounding.

I buried them far away from each other, it seeming right at the time.

Night had fallen as I stumbled upon a Giant’s camp...I had never dreamed I'd see an actual giant. I carefully and slowly approached it, not wanting to give off the impression that I was here to attack. Although I was rebuffed, a giant waved his club in a manner that suggested I should leave. I decided to heed his warning without a second thought.

I was told as a boy that Giants are ancient Nords who evolved differently from us. Tales told that they had an amazing skill in battle and their strength was legendary. If Giants truly are the old Nords, I would believe it.

As I make my way up this mountain, I see I am nearing Bleak Falls Barrow. I remember what the Jarl's mage had told me, and I am preparing carefully for what may be ahead.

The snow fall is heavy and I can't see very far, although to cease your worrying, I am warm. I have padded my leather armor with pelts on the inside. Part of me wishes I had made a helmet, but now is not the time for that sort of thinking. I will rest for a while, and then continue.


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Edited By Akrid

@Hero_Swe said:

I walked over to the corpse of the fire mage and noticed that it was also a female. Fighting over a loved one, perhaps? The things people do out of jealousy can be astounding.

Yo, dats sexist.

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Edited By hero_swe

@Akrid said:

@Hero_Swe said:

I walked over to the corpse of the fire mage and noticed that it was also a female. Fighting over a loved one, perhaps? The things people do out of jealousy can be astounding.

Yo, dats sexist.

Could have been males and the writing would have been the same, blame skyrim. :P

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Edited By Akrid

@Hero_Swe said:

@Akrid said:

@Hero_Swe said:

I walked over to the corpse of the fire mage and noticed that it was also a female. Fighting over a loved one, perhaps? The things people do out of jealousy can be astounding.

Yo, dats sexist.

Could have been males and the writing would have been the same, blame skyrim. :P

I have a strong suspicion that it wouldn't be the same. Just sayin'.

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Edited By hero_swe

@Akrid said:

@Hero_Swe said:

@Akrid said:

@Hero_Swe said:

I walked over to the corpse of the fire mage and noticed that it was also a female. Fighting over a loved one, perhaps? The things people do out of jealousy can be astounding.

Yo, dats sexist.

Could have been males and the writing would have been the same, blame skyrim. :P

I have a strong suspicion that it wouldn't be the same. Just sayin'.

Well you're wrong, nyah :P

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Edited By danielkempster

Awesome to see this make a comeback, Hero_Swe! I for one have missed your updates, and it's exciting to see where Wuulfrad's journey is going to take him. I'm sure I've said this on an earlier entry too, but it's also great that we get a sense of his personality, thoughts and feelings through the "letters-to-a-loved-one" style. I can't wait to read how you tackle Bleak Falls Barrow, and what more your approach to that dungeon tells us about Wuulfrad.

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Edited By Danniku
@Akrid: That was sort of my fault, anyway, not his. :P