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#1  Edited By Humanity

Hello everyone.

I am someone that knows almost nothing about wrestling. I saw this how event making headlines and I realize this will probably be discussed on the bombcast in some capacity so I got curious. Is it at all possible for anyone to explain to me why Roman Reigns winning is so bad that everyone wants nothing to do with the WWE anymore? Or is this something that would require years of back knowledge to fully comprehend? From what I understand isn't wrestling sort of like a sitcom? There is a script and people tune in to see what happens? Why is everyone upset?

EDIT: Ok I see someone asked already well I guess I'll try to skim the thread but if anyone has a Cliff Notes version that would be great.

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@thethingaboutmachines: Man that guy is a little too enthusiastic about stuff. Not sure if he's faking it or not but his "Oh gosh you guys oh god that was intense.. that was crazy!" is unbearable after a while.

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#3  Edited By Humanity

@thethingaboutmachines: I mainly didn't enjoy them constantly pointing out gaming tropes as if it was anything new or humorous to do so. Yes explosive barrels are always red, and wow they explode even if you hit them with a dull pipe and when you climb tall structures there are usually birds to show height. Like yes, I've played a video game before, and I've made these observations as well. It just felt whiny instead of funny, but maybe balancing between one and the other is their schtick - this is maybe the second video I've ever seen of theirs. It's like making those Back to the Future jokes because it's 2015, but in gaming form.

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@damodar: You took the words out of my mouth there. I love Dan and all the cool stuff he has done for the site, but the way wrestling seems to occupy his mind every waking moment is astounding. I mean I'm a 30 year old guy that thinks about video games all day long and still I think Dans wrestling fascination at his age is weird.

@williamhenry: I think there is a subtle difference in off-topic tangents being about fast food, which is something everyone can relate to, and being discussions about Wrestling which is a very specific thing you need to know to get anything out of it. The bombcast doesn't have to cater to my interests 100% of the time, and often it doesn't when they discuss games that I care little about - but I still get something out of the conversation because I like games overall and it's interesting to hear different opinions.

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Here is a pretty good look of it from the Best friends play guys. Should give you an overall idea of the game. Really just looks like another dead island.

Well gotta say, I really didn't enjoy the commentary on that video but I did get a sense of how the game plays, more or less. Excuse the poor coincidence in wording, but it seems kinda lifeless.

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@beachthunder: I don't know if I've ever heard anyone use the term " good as Brink" before.

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I wonder if this will be good or not. I had zero interest in playing FarCry 4 but Dying Light looks a lot like it with better movement. Well, by better I mean 'seemingly better' as who knows for sure right. I like the idea of being able to parkour up and down places in first person. I don't really relish the idea of fighting zombies again.

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#8  Edited By Humanity

@darthorange: I actually played both of the first games and even messed around with the level editor a bunch in the second. I liked them both for different reasons and agree that the second game is probably the pinnacle of the series in terms of mechanics. I didn't really get too deep into how Second Son actually plays because this blog was more of a chance to express my surprise at just how much I enjoyed it after I found First Light really off-putting.

Second Son definitely feels smaller and shorter than Infamous 2 but I attribute that to Sucker Punch having to launch this thing early in the cycle on brand new hardware. I cannot stress enough how impressive this game is for something released so early in the console cycle. This is probably why it's main campaign is somewhat short and why there aren't that many different activities in the long run. Still what is offered is fun enough and easy to get into on the spot. I appreciate the clean design in letting you know exactly what you have left to collect or do in any one area.

A lot of Second Son's strengths are also it's weaknesses. The variety of different powers take away the focus from any individual one, and leaves them all feeling lacking in different ways. The smoke abilities are the most comprehensive of all and the ones the team probably spent the most time developing. What I noticed is that each power seems to correspond to a weapon loadout. Smoke being pistol and shotgun, while others being sniper, assault rifle and 3 round burst respectively as you unlock them. It's an interesting dynamic but would have worked better if you could switch between them on the spot.

I thought the traversal was done really well in that each ability, sans the last, offers unique ways for getting around. As I mentioned before I really enjoyed smoke a lot and used that power almost exclusively until I got to the second island, ignoring neon completely. Something about going into a vent and popping out at the top somehow never got old, and man, did I mention the game looks good?

It's not a perfect game when compared to the existing series but I think it's a good direction to go off into. Obviously having a few different flashy abilities was a better way to show off the PS4 rather than concentrating on just one, but it also offered some much needed variety to how you approached situations as compared to the previous two games where you'd sort of settle into a steady rhythm halfway through. Infamous was always good as making traversal equally fun as the combat and Second Son expands on that idea even further. I'm not sure where they go from here but I would definitely love to play another one of these games in the future.

@nightriff: Definitely! I was pretty bummed out by the DLC. Everything about it just didn't really do anything for me at all. But if you like climbing around, getting new powers and making some karma choices along the way then Second Son does all that stuff really well. It's all very polished.

@doctordonkey: If you hate traversal so much I honestly don't know why you keep coming back to Infamous as climbing around has been roughly 60% of the game since the very first one and it doesn't look like anything changing. Without the climbing around all this game would be is a third person shooter with some flashy powers, and I dunno how many people would really want that.

@trafalgarlaw: I would recommend you play Second Son first and then if you crave more dig into First Light, it's not very long. I played them backwards because it was free and I didn't own Second Son at the time and it's mostly confusing from both the story and gameplay angle. The game also feels very stripped down in the DLC which makes sense but doesn't make the best first impression.

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#9  Edited By Humanity

@meatsofevil: When I was designing the emblem for Rapids clan a while back when I actively played the game I made several others as well. Feel free to iterate, use or completely dismiss these:

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#10  Edited By Humanity

@machofantastico: In the past buying exotics was a way to circumvent bad drops in a way. Say you did the raid a couple of times and you STILL didn't get that raid chest piece that got you to max level - well your alternate option was to buy an exotic chest piece from Xur.

This might have changed now as they keep increasing the grind in that game and invalidating past achievements so who knows.