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Cancer Blog

So, I know only 3 or 4 people follow me on here.  And that's fine.  I like this site fine, but some of the systems seems confusing.  I love everyone on the site though.
Well, I have cancer.  It's either a Sarcoma (Bone Cancer), or a High-Grade B-Cell Lymphoma (Blood Cancer).  I haven't been able to walk properly since about February or so.  The problem I have is, my left foot/ankle is essentially dead.  It's stuck in one position, and I can put ZERO weight on it.  If I even try to, I'll just crumple on the ground.  Bear in mind, this has been like this for 4 months now.  Also little things like touching my big toe, or flexing my foot at all, is super painful. 
 I'm saying all of this, just to try and explain what is going on.
The reason I'm writing this now is to describe something.  Ever since I "seriously" got into games, probably 10 years ago, if not more, I have always looked up to Jeff.  Not in some fanboy way, but just as someone who I would like to shake their hand, or talk about the finer points of Strider, or even just to hang out with, some afternoon.
I grew (over the years) to enjoy Ryan, Brad, Alex, Matt, and Vinny all the same way.  Like, "any of these guys would be great people to be friends with" sort of way.
 Ryan seems like one of the funniest, and happiest guys around.  His laugh is infectious, and his sarcasm can be biting, without being mean.
Brad is a gentleman of the highest caliber.  His dulcet tones provide a richness of scope that few possess.  Plus his, and Jeff's playing of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, is among the finest seen.  Or in that particular case, not seen.
Alex, such a cool, and passionate guy.  Even while having to review some of the worst games imaginable.  His two old videos, a review of Big Rigs, and making of a review for  Robocop are amongsst the greatest things put to film.
Matt, guide-master extraordinaire.  I've enjoyed his recent workings on Screened, and am happy to see what he has to say on films, and more.
And finally Vinny.  The Endurance Run master himself.  I love to see him comment on games, because it's such kind of a whimsical take on them.
I love all you guys.  You're the true spirit when it comes to video-game journalism, but also just people who enjoy games.  It would've been a dream of mine to visit the Giant Bomb offices some day.  I'm not even sure if you can do that, but you understand.  To sit on the couch under the Luchadeer.  To drink some horrible energy drink with Jeff and Ryan.  To discuss the inner workings of some obscure PC game with  Vinny, or to even sit-in (quietly) on a Quick Look with Brad, and wait for him to "Pull a Brad" as it were, during a game.
All of these things would've been something I would've loved to do.  That would've been my dream.  Sadly, that won't come to pass now.  Aside from the practical limitations (I'm in Michigan, they're in Cali.  And they don't want a bunch of random-ass people visiting their office), my problem now is health.  I know the Giant Bomb office is in a basement.  For me to get into it, I need to crawl/scoot down the stairs on my ass, using my good (right) leg as the momentum, while keeping my left leg away, from hitting anything.  
I...I guess I don't really have much to say.  It is super depressing to me to see this dream (of meeting, or even seeing the guys) fade away.  At this point, I'm trying not to shatter my left ankle when I walk with it.  Sorry if this has kind of meandered some, but I'm not sure how much longer I have when it comes to things like life.  But, I hope you took the time to read it, if you did.