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I kind of dig the PDP controllers for 3 reasons:
The 1st (main) reason, is because their PR person, Candace, is completely nice, adorable, interesting, and, overall, a good person to know
Second reason is because I like the quiet irony of the PS3 controllers having a red LED, while the 360 is green.  The PS3 test (debug) controllers (DECR-1010E) had a red light-up home button that was pretty good.  They should've kept it.  And the PDP one is indicative of that.
And three: The controllers are actually of good quality, which is fairly key.  And unlike Mad Catz, PDP seems to actually be improving on their designs, and evolving.  Not just throwing out the same  crap.
Also, the light-up Companion cube that Bowman (SP?) has is awesome.
EDIT:  Here's a pic of that test controller.  It's alright, but the button is awesome.  And the red LED's in the PDP controller match the test button fairly well (I think).

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