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Steam Winter Sale 2014 Roundup

A list of the assorted crap I bought during the most recent Steam sale:

1. Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Puppet Thief Collector's Edition ($4.75)

2. Midnight Mysteries: Witches of Abraham Collector's Edition ($7.00)

3. The Fall ($5.00)

4. Freedom Planet ($7.45)

5. Aliens: Colonial Marines ($5.07) -- Bought from Amazon

6. Leather League ($7.00)

7. This War of Mine (15.00)

8. Mercenary Kings ($6.79)

9. Super Time Force Ultra (5.09)

10. King's Bounty: Warriors of the North Complete Edition ($6.00)

11. Anno 2070 DLC Complete Pack ($3.75)

12. Talisman Digital Edition ($1.50)

13. Valiant Hearts ($6.00)

14. Prison Architect Name in Game DLC ($4.00)

15. Microsoft Flight Simulator X ($5.00)

16-28 as follows:

Season of Mystery: The Cherry Blossom Murders 2.49 USD
The Clockwork Man Bundle 4.49 USD
State of Decay - Lifeline 1.74 USD
Nearwood - Collector's Edition 2.49 USD
Alex Hunter - Lord of the Mind Steam Store and Retail Key 1.74 USD
Dark Arcana: The Carnival 2.49 USD
Hotel Collectors Edition 2.49 USD
Dreamscapes: The Sandman 3.49 USD
Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts 0.99 USD
The Flying Dutchman 0.49 USD
Black Rainbow 2.99 USD
Melissa K and the Heart of Gold 3.39 USD

Presents I received or won:

1. The Long Dark (Thanks Jon)

2. The Talos Principle

3. Foul Play

4. Clockwork Empires

5. King's Bounty: Dark Side

And finally, the worst of the worst, stuff I bought on the Russian Steam sale (Price I paid first, then Price in American store)

1. Fable Anniversary ($8.00) actual price $23.44)

2. No Limits 2 ($10.60) actual price $40

3. Emergency 5 ($14.40) actual price $45

4. Leadwerks Game Engine: Indie Edition ($6.60) actual price $34

5. Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments ($8.80) actual price $20

6. Carmageddon: Reincarnation ($9.60) actual price $18

7. Pillars of Eternity ($20), actual price $60

As bad as Steam sales normally are, Russian Steam sales are a part of the goddamned devil.

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