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The Cloud?

If true, this is interesting:

The idea is that the Xbox One is going to be like Steam, but the problems are readily apparent.

1. Steam has a 30 day check in, NOT a 24 hour check in. A lot of the use cases don't apply to most people, and MS is theoretically right in saying that most people do have online access for some part of a 24 hour period, but it's missing the larger idea that if you don't sign in, your game doesn't work at all. Besides, on the PC, there are alternatives, Origin (blah), Direct2Drive, uPlay, Desura, Gamefly, or Impulse. There is no other alternative on the Xbox One.

2. The (obvious) problem is: What happens on day one? People are going to get a Xbox One, buy a game or two, set it up at home, and find that the online authentication servers are getting hammered. Blizzard and Steam can't even handle really busy times, what hope does Microsoft have? Besides which, having a system that is ENTIRELY dependent on an authentication online check is going to be he most tempting target to hackers everywhere. Either to bring it down (and make customers angry), or to create a modded private one, where you can sign in to that and do whatever you want.

Them talking about "the cloud man, the CLOUD!" is buzz-word bullshit. Even servers with huge redundancy systems, Wikipedia, Amazon, even Google, occasionally go down. And when that happens to someone when they press the button on the Xbox One, it says "Connecting", then says "Connection Error", Microsoft is toast.

3. Uh, I don't want Microsoft to "own the living room". Go fuck yourselves with that heavy-handed bullshit, thanks.

4. Another telling quote, "Honestly, if you care about anything other then pure games AT ALL. Xbox 1 > PS4. If all you do is play games, and nothing else, PS4."

...who else was asking about anything other than games? Ok, "Yes", Netflix is big on the 360, or PS3. But that's about it. And NO ONE goes "Man, this 360 is good, but why can't it function like a cable box?" Microsoft's strategy seems to be aimed at (poorly) answering problems to questions that no one has asked.

If you're trying to be like how Steam was originally (semi-busted), then you're doing a good job. If you're trying to be like how Steam is now (superb), then you're failing, big time.

Again, I don't know if the Pastebin thing is legitimate or not, but my points remain the same.

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