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My MAME Cabient


 The bottom is Velcro-ed on to hide the wires and stuff
 The bottom is Velcro-ed on to hide the wires and stuff
 Honestly its been finished for a month but things like Dwarf Fortress and vacation stopped me. Its a lot of fun with another person. I showed one of my buds the cabinet and he said "So its a black box with an emulator" . As true as he was the X - Arcade joystick(s very fun to use) w ashed away all of his doubt with some obscure fighting games. The Computer in the cabinet is pretty old so it can't run Jackie Chan / MK games and it takes AGES to load up but its fine. The joystick likes to sticks every once in a while nad a button stopped working for a minute so its not perfect. All in all its fun and needs a little extra work (mainly a border or side images).
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