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Mini-Tour of SuperPotato Akiba

 Super Potato is a 3 floor game store in Akiba which carries what seems like every game system and game imaginable.  I was told by a friend who knew I was a gamer about this place.   I was not disappointed, I only wish i had more time to look around, not only was the selection insane (there were consoles I've never seen before), the prices were great. They had little packs of 9 GB games for 150Y which roughly converted is 1.50$. Check the last image to see what I brought home. I spent about 200$, 50% of that 200$ was on the ps3 games at the top though.

They even have a new combo NES/SNES console which I've heard is legal because the patent has run out.  I'm not sure if that's true, but I'll be coming back for one. 
There are lots of other similar game and electronics stores like this in Akiba, this was the only one I had time to check out. I look forward to going back to Akiba with more $$ and luggage space :)
Anyways without further ado here is the tour, I labeled the captions so hopefully that helps.
EDIT: Hmm the captions arent showing up when I view so here's a shortlist:
1) my swag
2) one of the many aisles
3) another aisle, they go on
4) entrance to the store
5) one of the many kiosks
6) Solid Snake works weekends
7) the throne of game cartridges