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The Long Weekend

Hey all just thought I write a quick recap of what I did/what im doing this long weekend.









Too Human-

I’m at Level 50 right now and the game at this point is starting to wear a little thin. It seems the higher up the ladder you go the less cool stuff you get. For a game that is all about loot it seems most of the armor and weapons im picking up now are pretty useless too me. At which point I sell them for cash. But the money in the game also seems fairly worthless because there is really nothing to spend it on either. I still might try and get to Level 55 but im feeling less enthusiastic about it now then before.

Cory on Halloween!
Cory on Halloween!


On Saturday I helped my buddy Cory move into his new apartment. It took us a good few hours to get everything into his place and then we just decided to get drunk rather then unpack everything. We met some of the neighbors and had a pretty good time drinking until 6 am.


















Me and Katelyn....Yes im am drunk and no those are not my glasses
Me and Katelyn....Yes im am drunk and no those are not my glasses

















Today I am going up to the cities for 2 reasons. First and for most so I can hang out with my good friend Katelyn. The 2 is because she wants to go to the damn RNC protest. I’m not one for really protesting I feel the message of peace gets lost in all the hatred people usually bring on when they go to protest. Really I think she is just more interested in seeing what its all about then really going there to protest. Most of the protests have been canceled do to the new hurricane heading towards . The republicans are trying to raise money for relief for any victims caught in the storm and most democrats feel it be a really dick move to protest the convention when at the moment all they are trying to do is raise relief money. I can agree with that. After that’s done me and her are just gona hang out maybe go to a bar and walk around the city. Most of her room mates are under 21 so she doesn’t get to go out much with people her own age. Over all I think it will be fun and im excited to just hang out with her!!!!






Blowing Shit Up-

Finaly come Tuesday I will be getting Mercs 2. I’m looking forward to it. Most early reviews say the game at its core is fun but there are a few bugs and lack of polish that keep the game from being truly great. Never the less im excited to take a attack chopper to a building or a tactical nuke to a small city and watch it BURN BABY!






Well I hope you all have a good weekend and a nice labor day!