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I Planned on Punching A Horse in the Face...

After four months of diligent work, I've finally hit the 40,000 gamerscore milestone!  SWEET! 
My original plans as displayed in my blog for 30,000 back in July was to break 40K with the Testikill achievement from the DLC on Stranglehold.  However, I wised up and decided to not waste $15 on shitty DLC.  I still wanted to milestone my 40K with something special, as I did with the Shadowrun Fever achievement back at 30K. 
So I purchased Darkest of Days, which is an absolutely horrific game that had a Quick Look up here on Giant Bomb.  Jeff mentioned that there was an achievement for punching a horse in the face and killing it.  I wanted to milestone 40K with that.  I seriously just couldn't keep playing that game for too long (glad I only paid $20 for it, but even THAT seems like a bit too much).  Instead, I milestoned by 40K with a worthwhile achievement like The Price of War
I would do like last time and display some of the games that made me through my past 10,000 points, but I don't bog you down with it since you can just look at my achievement progress for yourself if you feel so inclined. 
INSTEAD...let's talk about games!!! 

 Not a single fucking Twinkie ANYWHERE in Left 4 Dead 2!!!
 Not a single fucking Twinkie ANYWHERE in Left 4 Dead 2!!!
We got a couple copies of Left 4 Dead 2 here at work yesterday.  I wasn't really super psyched about this game like I was last year with the release of the first game, but it was mainly because there were other games to be hyped about.  After playing the demo, I wasn't anticipating it, as there seemed to be a ton of hardcore lag as well for no reason.  The same can be said of the retail game - absolutely fantastic game that has inexcusable lag issues.  The general flow of L4D2 feels much better than the first game throughout all the modes, as the level design has been pushed forever in a dramatic way.  The graphics are at least two-fold better than its predecessor, the dismemberment of the zombies is far more fulfilling for those looking to chop some fools up, but the biggest improvement is that there are plenty of modes to offer a ton of gameplay time.  While there are still plenty of assholes to be found online, the many different modes can prove to be incredibly challenging when you have two really good and focused teams pit against one another. 
The main new mode is Scavenge, which plays like Versus except you must collect gas cans and dump the fuel into a power generator.  Why you would have a power generator going in the middle of somewhere to attract zombies is beyond me, but whatever.  I bit the hook, it pulled me in, and it's an incredibly competitive mode that will prove whether or not you have the mettle to play the game.  Meanwhile, the Realism mode adds an extra layer of depth to the already amazing Campaign mode.  In Realism, there are no indicators to tell you when someone is being attacked by Special Infected, you cannot see their aura glowing through walls, and you aren't given any helpful hands as to where new weapons and health kits are located.  It makes the game marginally more difficult, but on the little bit of time I played today on the first level of an Expert campaign, it proved to be a massive challenge when you realize just how must you depend on those indicators to pop up for you. 
The big issue, however, is that Valve's dedicated server setup is laggy as fuck!!!  I'm to understand that switching over to local will fix this issue...but really, should we have to?  If anything, this and Modern Warfare 2 make me almost feel like there is some sort of agenda being played out to get rid of dedicated servers completely!  However, I won't turn this into one of those debates and will simply say that the lag can render the game nigh unplayable most of the time. 
Other than that...everything else is solid, man.  Great game and great fun all around.  Best Buy will have the game on sale for $35 on Black Friday, and there's NO reason to not pick it up at that time!  $35 is a goddamn STEAL! 
 Fuckin eh, Cotton.  Fuckin eh.
 Fuckin eh, Cotton.  Fuckin eh.
Before we picked up those copies, I played through Modern Warfare 2 on Veteran and did a few more Spec Ops maps.  MW2 on Veteran is pretty tame, as there is no more grenade spamming.  Instead, enemies will just camp around the if you haven't had enough of that already in the multiplayer!  It seriously felt like I was walking right into one of Jigsaw's Shotgun Traps every time I walked through a doorway.  My biggest helpful suggestion to those of you planning to go through it is this:  flashbangs.  Meanwhile, I've come to realize that Spec Ops might be some of the coolest shit ever!  It's a fun little mode that offers a serious challenge on some levels.  Unfortunately, I can't ever seem to get a game going unless it's with someone else in the store, as I have yet been able to hook up through the online with anyone that isn't sitting right fucking next to me.  So annoying, and it makes me realize just how inferior Infinity Ward's online setup....grrr....I'm seriously trying to refrain from bitching about Infinity Ward.  It's just getting more and more difficult. 
I'll leave it there however.  With such a big holiday season, what have you guys been jamming on? 
Until next time...piece.