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Knee-Jerk Reaction: Battlefield 3

Playtime so far: roughly 9 hours of multiplayer and 2 hours of campaign on 360 and PC.


  • Sound design
  • Sound design (it HAS to be said twice)
  • It's fucking pretty, yo!
  • On console, the shooting and aiming feels enough like that weighty feel of Bad Company 2 while having a little extra snappiness to the sensitivity and turning
  • On PC, the sensitivity on default was actually too fast for me. This is a MUCH needed improvement over BC2, where the sensitivity even on higher settings didn't feel right for twitch aiming.
  • Map designs on multiplayer are scaled well between PC and console. Some Conquest maps have 4 bases on console to fit the 24-player cap while those same maps will have upwards of 6 bases on PC.
  • Server browser on console versions. FUCK...YES! There is also a favorites list, a ton of other options - basically everything that you would've gotten on a PC version of the game.
  • Playing Battlefield 3 makes you totally want to play more Battlefield.


  • The millions of hoops to jump through in order to get installed. On 360, there was a 167MB patch to download...then the 1.5GB install for the graphics...then having to switch discs for multiplayer/co-op and single player (which of course, I'm sure the single player disc will only get a certain amount of play before it's just ignored). On PC, you have to install Origin, make sure your Windows Updates are up-to-date completely, update your video drivers to whatever the latest drivers are, and a million other things...just so you can load the game up through Origin...and have your game's main menu BE A FUCKING WEBPAGE IN YOUR INTERNET BROWSER!
  • The multitude of times that I've seen "this server is full" on the PC version when I can clearly see it says "23/64" for the player count drives me batty. Overall, the majority of the menus for both PC and console are wretched in design all around.
  • The level of destruction is nowhere near like Bad Company 2, meaning that there are tons of corner camping spots...err, sorry..."strategic emplacement opportunities"...for players to exploit in choke points that can make games feel like smashing your ballsack into a Yucca plant would be more fun.
  • The single player campaign on Normal difficulty is...well...I stood next to three enemies that shot at my teammates and pretended I didn't even exist as I shot them at point blank range. So...there's that. I'm not very far along, so it may get better.


It's Battlefield fucking 3, folks. You've already decided whether you want to play it or not. It doesn't matter if this version is prettier than that version. You are going to be running like a muthafucker to shoot doods in the head and stab doods in the back. I don't think it honestly fucking matters if one little portion has lower texture quality than another area, because all the versions show off a gorgeous fucking engine handling a lot of shit at once. It also has what will surely be some deep and continually evolving multiplayer in well-designed-but-not-as-destruction-capable-as-I-would-like maps. It has jets and helicopters and jeeps and hummers and tanks and APCs and all kinds of crazy shit to offer up enough ways to kill people online for at LEAST a few years.

So if you don't care about Battlefield 3, then go not care about it somewhere that people give a shit about the whining. If you do care and feel the need to flaunt your DudeBro shit at someone for not caring, go join them wherever the fuck they go. In here, we are ready for some muthafuckin' Battlefield!