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My Top 5 Moments of 2008

Well, 2008 has come and gone. I've decided I'd choose my Top 5 entertainment moments of 2008. This can include games, movies and the internet in general! Anywho, here they are.

#5 - Slumdog Millionaire

This is my movie of the year, hands down. It's well designed, well acted, well scripted, and overall an extremely well done movie. The way it's structured and the way it tells it's story is fresh and unique, and I won't forget for a long time to come. Some movies stick with you, and actually give you a good idea of what certain cultures are like, and Slumdog Millionaire gives you a glimpse into some bad times of an Indian boy/man. It has everything you could want in a movie. A love interest, great acting, and a happy ending. I'm not really gonna talk about the plot, not just because I don't really want to get into it too much, but also because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone going into this fantastic film. Really, a must see.

#4 - Giant Bomb Launch and its Community

This site and all of you are #4 on my list. The day this site launched was a really What The Fuck moment. No one really knew what was going on. A ton of us have migrated from GameSpot, and in hindsight, this site is the greatest gaming site ever, bar none. The majority of the community (or at least those of you who I have befriended) is pretty cool. The mods are layed back, and the staff is as cool as a staff is gonna get. Some of you are closer friends to me than others, but seriously, you guys are all pretty damn cool, and I enjoy being a part of this community.

#3 - The Office

I'm a huge, huge, huge fan of The Office. It is easily my favorite show on television right now, and one of my favorites of all time. Believe it or not, I started watching The Office in Season 3, but I didn't watch it weekly. If it was on, I'd kinda watch it. Season 4 is when I really started getting into it, and that was 2008. I liked it so much in fact, that I decided to watch all the previous seasons online, and do it I did. It's one of the funniest, most original, and easily the most awkward show on television. The way all the actors go so well together and how the comedy works so well, it's awesome. The Office is easily one of my favorite parts of 2008, and deserves being #3 (and possibly #2, but I've got something special planned for that one. As you can see).

#2 - Megaton, Or Lack There Of

Ah Megaton. I didn't really like you. The people around your parts were kinda douches, and I wasn't too into anything going on there other than that bad ass dude who I wanted to join me but still wouldn't. Maybe if you were a little cooler I would've saved you? Well, no. I probably still wouldn't have, but that's beside the point. I rigged the explosives to the bomb in Megaton, walked all the god damn way to Tenpenny Tower (what an annoying walk) and got on the balcony. Of course it was up to me to press the magic button and I got to see the magnificance that was Megaton being blown to oblivion. These, what, 10 seconds? Were the 10 best video game seconds of 2008. It was crazy, and after that, there was no coming back from the evil karma.

#1 - Braid's Ending

For those of you who have played it, and finished it, you know what I'm talking about. Seriously, that ending blew my mind. The whole game was a really really superb puzzle game with a great fresh take on a time changing mechanic and it was just a cool game. So then I got to the ending. And that turned a great game into one of my favorite games all year. I doubt anything will ever be able to top the feeling I got when I invested all that time into solving all those puzzles, and I realized what I realized. A great thing about the ending is that it's open to interpretation. Some people think it's about some sorta bomb, but I think it's far more simple. It blew my mind and everything I thought I knew about that game was completely reversed. I absolutely loved the game, and it's easily worth $15. If you've got 1200 microsoft points in your account, go buy Braid. It's worth your time and money.

Well that's it. These are my top 5 gaming/movie/entertainment moments of 2008. I doubt I'll forget any of these moments, because they're pretty sweet. I can only hope that 2009 has as many great moments that 2008 had. I've had even more great times with friends, girls, family, and definitely you guys (a category under "friends" of course :P).  So yeah, if you wanna talk or something, just message me.

And I would like to announce officially with no explination other than that Braid was pre-Fallout 3:

Game Of The Year

Fallout 3

Movie Of The Year

Slumdog Millionaire

Most Anticipated Game of 2009

Killzone 2

Most Anticipated Movie of 2009
