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This is too much the best time to be playing video games! Too many games!

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Movember 2014!

Oh yeah! I am joining the Movember movement this year, as my first year. If you have no idea what it is about, read this handy Wikipedia page.

As I don't have a big network of friends, I decided to post about it here, on my blog. Not going to share this around the site myself, so only the very few of you who follow me for some strange reason might read this. Would be awesome if anyone donated just a tiny bit. But what would be even better is if at least one of you could check if the site I link to works for you. I am afraid it might only be in Norwegian you see, which would make it a lot harder for me to share this with the world. Don't think many will bother with wading through Norwegian gibberish to find a way to donate. If I am "stuck" with only my own country, then it will be more difficult for me to get the word out as well. But it does have an "English" button on top, which switches it to English at least. Which I just found myself. So I guess its alright. Alright!

Anyway, this is the link to my "mo-space" as they call it.

And this is the beard that will disappear 1st of November, then gradually replaced by a moustache:

You can see how the beard is scared of what is to come.
You can see how the beard is scared of what is to come.


It is on! My face is pretty much shaven, a moustache is on its way. So please, fellow duders, help men live longer by donating! As usual, don't have to donate much, but if a lot of my fellow duders chip in it will make a difference fast :D

Had some fun when the beard came off.
Had some fun when the beard came off.