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This is too much the best time to be playing video games! Too many games!

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Top Ten 2016

I am going to start this list now (early November) just to get a head start. Games on this list are games from 2016 that I have at least played a bit of. Games on this list might be removed before being finalized. As every year, I am not sure how many new games I have actually played this year. Let's see!

EDIT 21.12.16:

Wow, I actually did play a lot of new games this year. Going to leave them in, making this a "Top ten with runners up" list. But only 1-10 will be ranked, everything below that I won't think that much about.

List items

  • As a huge fan of the previous Hitman titles, all the way from the beginning, I had high hopes for this. I also feared it would be sub-par, taking the last game into account. But they actually did it. They made the best Hitman to date. As of now I have spent 59 hours in the game, and I still have challenges to do, unlocks to... unlock, and I have barely touched the Escalations and Contracts. Just all around a great experience, which was greatly helped by the episodic nature of the release. Looking forward to Season 2!

  • Doom came as a huge surprise to more or less everyone. How the hell do you make a good Doom game today? Well, whatever they did it worked out.

    Doom isn't just a great game, it has one of the best soundtracks this year.

  • This could be on this list due to the music alone. The fact that the game is great as well helps. I think I actually like this marginally better than Dark Souls...

  • I loved Limbo, and played it so much I ended up doing most of the achievements in it. I remember getting the "beat it in one sitting without dying more than five times" achievement. Inside is just as good, sinister and brooding. I love the atmosphere, the no-dialog storytelling. But what makes the game shine is the sound design. Those thumps coming from a certain machine... so awesome!

  • I am not a fan of most online shooters. I usually like the Battlefields when I play them, but I rarely play them for long. I tend to get stomped on a lot, not playing enough to get really good at them. But I got Titanfall 2 during Black Friday, and it has sunk its hooks in me. The campaign was awesome, and worth a spot on this list regardless of how the multiplayer is, but both aspects of the game are great. I see myself playing this now and then for a long time.

  • I love this game. I love how oppressive it is, how awful it can make you feel while also making you feel like a total badass. This is one of those games I just have to jump into now and again, for the feeling alone.

  • I love puzzles, but I am really bad at them. I have still not beaten The Witness completely, and I don't think I ever will. But it was a great time when I was playing it.

  • The only reason this is so far down the list is because I haven't taken my time to fully play it. The way you can build more or less whatever you want makes this the perfect game for those who like customizing their parks. The tycoon-aspect isn't as good right now, but I see they have fixed some of those things in a recent patch. I am going to jump in eventually and build more on my Majula and Peach's Castle Ride!

  • Note, this is the 3DS title "Hyrule Warriors Legends". For some reason this doesn't have it's own wikipage, despite being an updated title with a few new additions. I have never played a "Musō" game before, but being a huge fan of the Zelda franchise, I had to try this. Not having a WiiU made me get it on 3DS. While it was fine on my regular old 3DSXL, the New 3DSXL really made it shine. Sure the graphics isn't as good, but man, does this game contain a lot! I still have a lot of hours of fun, despite playing for at least 50 hours.

  • I never beat Stardew Valley, as in never reached whatever happens near the grave, but I had a lot of hours put into my farm. Because of an update which made it possible to start with different starter farms, I will most likely start a new save once I want to relax some more.