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Update X ( someone...most likely Steve)

Quick update. 
This weeks games (which finally turned up after waiting 2 weeks or so) 
Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time 
Uncharted 2 
Phantasy Star Portable 
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker 
and my fightpad came as well. 
Blazblue is awesome. I actually like playing as 5 of the twelve characters. Noel, Jin, Ragna, Rachel and..erm the dude who looks likes he should be in Persona. 
It's a smooth fighting game thats as much about flash as it is about depth. 
Odd story mode, done in the interactive novel type style that is so popular in Japan. I have no problem with it, so thats all good. 
Its odd that it actually has a coherent story mode to begin with..but each erm level has only one you have to be very aggressive. 
I've mentioned that my internet connection is beyond awful, but i managed a quasi-lag free game. Naturally i got ripped apart..but it was good fun. 
Might be a good time to mention my fightpad. Its a nice bit of kit. Dpad floats above the controller slightly, and it reminds me of the old megadrive (genesis) pads..which makes me feel right at home. The rows of three buttons, top for punches, bottom for kicks and the two shoulder buttons for all three punches/kicks. It works perfectly with SFIV, though i did have one odd disconnect with Blazblue near the end of a match..which ended with me dead, but happens. Only problem is that it uses a usb receiver which you have to put in player 1 usb. If you pick up another controller to play something else, you have to remember to remove the usb otherwise it won't register the normal ps3 pad as player 1. A very minor problem though. If you like your fighting games and are frustrated with either ps3/360 pads..i'd advise you to buy one. 
Ratchet and Clank is..well ratchet and clank. For me, thats more than enough. They added temporal distortion puzzles in realtime..which is nice. They've also added a massive amount of customisation and weapon upgrades. They've also improved on the space segments by making them free roaming. Oddly enough you can pick up different radio stations in your ship, making it a rather...GTA like experience in some ways. 
MGS: Peace Walker...hmmm 
No infrastructure Co-Op or Vs Ops. My ps3 uses wireless so i can't use the adhoc, and my mac doesn't have an xlink kai compatible card. 
I'm sure i'm not in the minority in this one..well perhaps with the mac..but what the fuck is the point in adding co-op and vs when the majority of people don't have friends/relatives/animals that have psp's near them..let alone are interested in MGS? 
Besides that glaring fault, and the fact that the bosses are obviously set up with Co-Op in mind....and the annoying 'Take out all the guards before tranqing the drive' mini bosses' in my...opinion, having played all of the MGS games, this is by far the best. Take into consideration that, even though I loved the storyline of Snake Eater, I hated some of the mechanics and the general gameplay. The cutscenes, done in a graphic novel style, are beautiful. Personally, I wish that all of the cutscenes in MGS up to now had been done with Ashley Wood's art. The man is genius. I'm still looking to get that Omnibus that they recently put out of all the MGS comics, mostly for his artwork. 
The QTEs that are in the cutscenes are pretty damn good to, as long as you're ready for them. 
The other two games are either known, or haven't got round to them yet. 
Any thoughts, leave them after the *beep*