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To everyone who claims to hate anime...why?

 To everyone who claims to hate anime, have you guys ever even taken the time to watch a series? And no I don't mean DragonBall Z, Naruto, Bleach or any of that bullshit that used to come on cartoon network when we were younger. I'm asking if you guys have ever sittin down and taken the time to watch a popular anime series that isn't over 100 episodes and aimed at 12 year olds? I mean about 4 years ago I was just like you guys, I said I hated anime because they always had generic simple storylines and most episodes involved a lot of heavy breathing and "awwwing". I thought anime was only aimed at 14 year olds and you had to be a fucking idiot to watch it. 
That is, until I saw Death Note and to say the least I was blown away. There were no steroid junkie guys with blonde spiky hair punching each other for 10 episodes straight, there wasn't any pointless conversation about gaining physical power. Instead what I saw was one of the greatest games of cat and mouse I had ever seen, I saw an anime that made me deeply question my morals. This show depicted a man who tried to create a utopian world by using extremely controversial methods, and it depicted another man who would do everything in his power to stop him. For over 30 episodes I watched these two men play with each others heads like a game of chess, constantly predicting each others moves and acting on each others methods in a decisive manner. I was on the edge of my seat for every twist and turn and by the end of the series all I was saying to myself
But then I thought that deep philosophical animes like Death Note were a rarity, of course every other anime is about spiky haired ninjas doing crazy shit with their hand right? right?......Dead wrong, I then stumbled on an anime called Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and again I was blown away. Once again I found myself questioning my morals and wondering if the cold, calculating, damn near genocidal protagonist was really right in what he was doing. Sure his goals were noble but his methods were barbaric. The series followed two galactic nations as they fought each other for complete control, one nation was a "righteous" democracy and the other was a Totalitarian nation that at first glance resembled the Empire from Star Wars. At first I was going to write it off as some good vs evil BS but once again I was surprised. Neither side was depicted as evil in any way, the Totalitarian nation was prospering under a fair but rash leader and the Democracy was actually falling apart because of its rampant corruption. What followed was one of the best political thrillers I had ever seen in my life, I wont spoil the things that happen but damn I was blown away.
I started looking for more animes that didn't fit the stereotype and the ones I watched simply amazed me, Code Geass, Kenshin OVAs, Black Lagoon, Cowboy Bebop, Phantom requiem, Ghost in the shell, Great Teacher Onizuka, the list just went on and on. And then I finally realized that the anime genre is just as varied as any form of media out today. Sure there's alot of spiky haired teenagers fighting off evil over 200 episodes, but there's also animes that focus on Politics, Philosophy, Serial Killers, Gangs, Warfare, Romance, etc. So when I see people that say they hate anime I just believe they haven't even bothered to try it.
I don't care who you are or what your taste are, I guarantee to anybody out there that they can find at least one anime series that they will simply love.



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Edited By ozzdog12

Not everybody is going to like certain things. Personally I hate anime, I think its all garbage( an yes I've weatched it before, my roommate loves anime) but that doesn't make you or me any better

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Edited By Turambar

I will never cease to find nerds laughing at other nerds for being nerdy one of the most idiotic things in the world.

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Edited By JB16
@LiquidPrince said:
" @JB16 said:
" @LiquidPrince said:
"I also hate it when people dismiss something just because it's main stream and it's cool to hate the "popular" ones... I've been following Naruto far before it was released in North America, and it was and still is one of the best manga/anime's around. I could go into long detailed posts about why I feel like this, but I'm not in the mood. It just sucks when people hate on the popular thing just to be different. I've seen so many different anime series, some barely known, and some main stream as hell. Giving a chance to both, I found much to like. "
I don't hate Naruto because it's popular, I hated Naruto because I hated the characters. In my opinion Naruto himself was childish and annoying, Sakura was an incompetent stuck up bitch, and Sauske was an emo who looked down on everybody. "
That's how it starts. Are you saying you didn't watch beyond the first couple of episodes before judging it? Even right in the first arc you can see the characters changing and at the point where the story is now, none of the characters are the same. It's one of the reasons the show is so awesome. You see the growth of every character, including the older ones, and it's all about the future generation inheriting the will of the village. Will they make the same mistakes or can they break the cycle... It's surprisingly good. I hate people who hate on it just because it isn't one of those off the beaten path animes. You should give it a chance. "
I watched it until about epsiode 25 or so before I dropped it. I will admit that I did really like the first story arc with the mirrors and stuff, but the storyline couldn't save what I thought was god awful characters. I am told that they do get better, and I'm told that the character progression is really good, but I don't want to sit through over 50+ episodes just so I can start liking the characters.
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Edited By JB16
@kmdrkul said:
" I've just always associated anime with being a really, really big nerd.  I mean, I'm not the coolest cat in the world, but I'm not that nerdy.  "
Dude you have a Katamari avatar and you post on ARE that nerdy.
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Edited By yetiantics

I don't hate anime, just the people who take it their love of it TOO GODDAMN FAR!

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Edited By yeahno
@RecSpec said:
" @Shirogane said:
" @JB16 said:
" @RecSpec said:
" @RJay_64 said:
" You can take any anime storyline and make it into a live action show, so maybe people just don't like animation and want to see real life characters.   
 But damn...can you imagine how bad some things would be?  I mean, let's take Death Note. Some of the ridiculous writing sequences would be just laughable if an actual actor was doing it. "
Pardon? Death Note would be one of the easiest, since it wouldn't need much special effects. And how are the writing sequences ridiculous? "

   It's already happened. "
 Exactly, and the only fans of it would be fans of the anime. In no way whatsoever did that reach beyond the anime or manga's fanbase. "
It did here! I've only seen the live action films and I love it!
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Edited By Shadow
@MysteriousBob said:

" @Shadow said:

" I made this topic a while ago and after hundreds of replies, it became clear that people were too busy being stubbornly naive and prejudiced about the subject to ever actually give anime a chance. "
Yeah, its everyone elses fault! How dare they not love something you like. Read the comments. We have given anime a chance. And we hate it. Because we have standards and the ability to cri ticise stuff instead of just going along with what some internet nerds tell us is 'cool'.  The films by that Mizakai or whatever he's called are also total mindless garbage. "
 @MysteriousBob said:

" Because its all fucking terrible. All of it.  Badly written. Badly acted. It all looks the same with those creepy bug eyes. They're usually perverse in some way. They have the most laughable, heavy handed themes since Sesame Street. And yes, I have tried watching some of 'the best anime'. I've tried to like it. All I can say- if thats the best then I don't even want to see the worst. Listen to me. Every anime ever made is a useless piece of shit. If you're braindead enough to enjoy it, then I just feel sorry for you. Don't tell me off just because you have low standards.  Western animation is better in every way. "

  case and point
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Edited By kmdrkul
@JB16 said:
" @kmdrkul said:
" I've just always associated anime with being a really, really big nerd.  I mean, I'm not the coolest cat in the world, but I'm not that nerdy.  "
Dude you have a Katamari avatar and you post on ARE that nerdy. "
Uh, ehrm.... NO U.
Bah, touche.
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Edited By Gruff182
@PenguinDust said:
" @Gruff182 said:

" I went to an Art College a few years back and 90% of the kids there were pretentious little emo muppets, who were all into manga/anime and would all constantly draw manga faces, instead of having any originality or talent. Its because they wanted to be different... but there was about a million of them... "

I was an art major in college about 20 years ago before Pokemon, Dragonball, Bleach, or any of the titles people know today, and 90% of my fellow students were "pretentious little emo muppets", too.  Of course, we didn't have "emo" back then so they were described as either goths or punks...or some sexually derogatory term.  Anyway, I don't think it's anime that makes them so aggravating, but art college.  Or maybe they're that way before and so they seek out other conceited types by going to art school.  Kind of like how lemmings gather right before they collectively jump off a cliff.   "
Yeah, I know that its not anime that defines them. Its just by association that I instantly get put off anime.
That and the unhealthy obsession Japan has with spikey haired, lady-boys.
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Edited By Sogeman
@JB16: Have you watched Kaiji or maybe One Outs (this one only if you want to watch a Baseball Anime, I loved it and I don't even like Baseball)? If not you haven't watched a Psychological Anime. During Kaiji I was on the edge and One Outs is great for badass tactics.
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Edited By LiquidPrince
@JB16 said:
" @LiquidPrince said:
" @JB16 said:
" @LiquidPrince said:
"I also hate it when people dismiss something just because it's main stream and it's cool to hate the "popular" ones... I've been following Naruto far before it was released in North America, and it was and still is one of the best manga/anime's around. I could go into long detailed posts about why I feel like this, but I'm not in the mood. It just sucks when people hate on the popular thing just to be different. I've seen so many different anime series, some barely known, and some main stream as hell. Giving a chance to both, I found much to like. "
I don't hate Naruto because it's popular, I hated Naruto because I hated the characters. In my opinion Naruto himself was childish and annoying, Sakura was an incompetent stuck up bitch, and Sauske was an emo who looked down on everybody. "
That's how it starts. Are you saying you didn't watch beyond the first couple of episodes before judging it? Even right in the first arc you can see the characters changing and at the point where the story is now, none of the characters are the same. It's one of the reasons the show is so awesome. You see the growth of every character, including the older ones, and it's all about the future generation inheriting the will of the village. Will they make the same mistakes or can they break the cycle... It's surprisingly good. I hate people who hate on it just because it isn't one of those off the beaten path animes. You should give it a chance. "
I watched it until about epsiode 25 or so before I dropped it. I will admit that I did really like the first story arc with the mirrors and stuff, but the storyline couldn't save what I thought was god awful characters. I am told that they do get better, and I'm told that the character progression is really good, but I don't want to sit through over 50+ episodes just so I can start liking the characters. "
But the point is, when you do start liking them, you'll like them a lot.
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Edited By Kaeroth

So I was looking around the internet about anime critics and ended up clicking in this blog, and gotta say, I feel almost like the Original poster. 
Look, before anything, let's be clear here: I hate 99% of anime. Of Shounens, the only ones I mildly respect are the ones I read as a child - Dragon Ball and Rurouni Kenshin. At the time, stories about a young man / a not so young man in search of power / redemption was awesome to me, and it touched me. Nowadays, I'm not in that sort of mood anymore, although I do still fill Rurouni Kenshin still has a good message to transmit, one that you'll not often find in shounens. 
For a long time, I all but abandoned watching any sort of japanese anime or reading any mangas, as I "grew out of it" and took it as childish, stupid and retarded. I still have my Love Hina connection and I cannot stand reading it - it's just stories for 13 year olds who never touched a girl and want to find humor in it and in their first experience, idealizing it's gonna be romantic and funny and awesome (it probably won't). I've had plenty of friends who were into some sort of detective anime, but I dismissed it as crap and never even bothered to check it out. 
Years later, completly out of touch with such friends and entertaining myself only with RTS, FPS and some WoW, I ended up stumbling into the same anime my friends commented before. I thougth it was interesting, a nice change of scenario, and went on to watch the first episode. The next DAY, I had finished all 37 episodes, skipping my work out(which I rarely, rarely do) and university classes out of pure addiction. 
That anime was Death Note. 
Now, don't get me wrong. Death Note has it's flaws. But here's the thing: People usually ignore the real flaws and just go and make mediocre critics only for the sake of hating. Hatin' be easy, I know that more than anyone. 
 I Know a lot of people dismiss it because "oh noes, a book of death", "oh noes a ridiculous demon is following him around". Those people have to seriously just let themselves get into it.  
While the Death Note is the focus of the plot, it might as well not have been - the point is merely what different people would do with the same Killing power. Some would kill for love, some would kill for money, some would kill for racial bias, some would kill for religion, some would kill for envy, and some would kill for a better world.  By the way, not all of the mentioned had Death Notes or even were in the anime - they just had power, or guns, or the willpower to commit atrocities. Hello, World War 2. And even in the "better" point of view of killing for a better world, the anime itself throws it at your face with Mikami Teru - how do you draw the line? Yeah, the "SAKUJO!" deal was kinda overdone, but it illustrated a point. 
  People in the "good" side can be genocidal bastards as well. At some point he starts going on how he should start killing people who are "lazy", or unenmployed, or "Who do not use their full potential". 
Again speaking of Death Note, I often see people whine about how Raito is a perfect character and thus, boring. Excuse me? Perfect where? He's possibly one of the most well thougths character of the last century, people are just far too stupid to really think it through. 
Raito speaks more than once about how much he was not only bored, but purposeless without the Death Note. He is a controlled person through most of the anime, but in the first episode it was more than that - he was depressed. Seriously. Pay attention to it. Regular people who are bored don't go around thinking about the world being rotten. Raito, had he not found the Death Note, might have throwed himself in front of a bus in that very day. Despite being a genius, and being popular, and having a career in front of him, he didn't care.  
After the long Xanatos Roulette with L and the Third Kira, he grabs the Death Note again and....he doesn't hesitate at all. He doesn't think "But now I have experience as a detective, and I work with L. Maybe there's a way for me to just blame it all on Misa and just stay a detective. Work with my dad and L. Graduate. Get married." NO. He laughs in his interior and prepares his next move to make the world as he sees fit, because there's no other world for him. He's as obcessed as Batman, as Rorscharc (So no sucker say I only like japanese crap), masked as all of them, just not with a physical mask.
Not only that but his character is also influencied by those who nurtured him, even if that is never approached as one of the point of views of the narration of the anime. I don't know about you, but I often hear terrible stories about wrong convictions, planted evidence, innocent people sent to jail. Raito, being the son of a cop, is so lost in that system that he not even ONCE questions the justice system. He believes himself to be the maker of the world, but all he's trully doing is applying the Death Sentence to any convicted criminal, at some point in the anime regardless of the offense. That's something only a person who truly believes in the system would do. Not once he tries to see through the system and look for another way to judge people himself. He's more of a butcher than of a judge, yet he believes himself as the later, not the former.  
I could go on and on about points the people who watched this absolutly ignored, but that would be pointless. Moving on.

It is beyond me how anyone could dismiss such a deep, moral questioning plot just for the sake of it being draw and not filmed, or because a specific type of drawning, ffs.  
What I will agree with all anime haters is this, however: Anime fans are retarded. If you ask a Death Note regular fan about any of this, he'll probably just say "L is kawaii ^.^ that's why I cheer'd for him" "Awww Raito is so perfect, I wanted him to be my friend". My only reaction is to want to punch the fuck out of them, and redraw Death Note in fucking sticks, so that no anime retarded fan will watch it, and it will be left for the people who deeply are concerned with the meaning of the plot. Because that is, and always will be, what draws anyone to a storyline. 
PS - People don't hate on Naruto because it's mainstream, they hate on it because it's awful. Story about some idiots "ninjas" in colorful suits with every kind of anime awful troope and sucker-catching techniques to make kids watch it. Devil insides, secret dangerous techniques, stupid, over the top fighting sequences, overdone animations who still look dull, protagonist in a quest and that beats everyone (sooner or later), etc. 
It's just bad storytelling.

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@kmdrkul said:

" @JB16 said:

" @kmdrkul said:

" I've just always associated anime with being a really, really big nerd.  I mean, I'm not the coolest cat in the world, but I'm not that nerdy.  "
Dude you have a Katamari avatar and you post on ARE that nerdy. "
Uh, ehrm.... NO U.  Bah, touche. "
No you actualy had it right, gaming was nerdy back in the PC days, they advertised the nerdy types as being outcast in practicaly all 80's movies, now thats a different story you will catch even the popular kids gaming its become pretty mainstream thank Halo, Call of duty and various other games for that. Anime however is still nerdy LOL, and chances are if you told someone you gamed they'd go "Ok w/e" if you told someone im 28 and i watch japanese cartoons they may go "WTF!?!" ofcourse no offense to the Anime nerds.
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Edited By EpicSteve

I don't like how characters emote.

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Edited By CornontheCobbe

I don't really know whats technically classified as Anime, i like Blood: The Last Vampire, and the likes, but i doubt thats anime.

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Edited By RJay_64

Anime is for jerks

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Edited By Fallen189
@RJay_64 said:
" Anime is for jerks "
You are not boss
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Edited By Korone

op needs to get laid

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I really only like the super main stream anime stuff like Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Lupin the 3rd, Afro Samurai and Samurai Champloo. Pretty much if it played on American cable I watched it.  Though I have to be honest I can't stand Trigun, Dragon Ball (and its many spin-offs), and Inuyasha.  
I also consider Batman the Animated Series (AKA the greatest cartoon series ever made) to be heavily influenced by anime.

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Edited By RJay_64
@Fallen189 said:

" @RJay_64 said:

" Anime is for jerks "
You are not boss "
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Edited By Fallen189
@RJay_64 said:
" @Fallen189 said:

" @RJay_64 said:

" Anime is for jerks "
You are not boss "
No Caption Provided
This is what I want!
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Edited By JB16
  @Korone said:

" op needs to get laid "

I would like to refer you to my last rant
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Edited By Gunner

Because its not my cup of tea? People will always have differing opinions on things, I simply dont like the art style, animation or the fact that most anime films that ive watched take themselves way too seriously. I mean, its a fucking cartoon for gods sake, not a movie.
I also dislike the culture surrounding it, white bread nerds using broken japanese when refering to certain things, drawing half-naked anime chicks, getting pissed off when someone uses an incorrect term. Too elitist for my taste.

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Edited By Karl_Boss

It just doesn't appeal to me.