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Wanted to add something I totally forgot about:

HOTLINE MIAMI 2 comes out tomorrow so expect a lot of talk about it in next weeks blog.

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#2  Edited By JBG4

Further to my comment from last week, I did indeed end up dipping my toes into the world of Monster Hunter off the back of this blog. Not with MH3U, as I initially said I might, but with Freedom Unite on the PSP, primarily to make it easier to split my time between MH and Pokémon Omega Ruby by playing them on separate consoles (although having an excuse to give my PSP an airing is another factor). I spent my first three hours with the game doing all the training guild quests, which were surprisingly useful in terms of teaching me the game's controls, as well as the mechanics of exploration and combat. After trying all the weapons out in those quests I ended up settling on the Greatsword, mainly due to their high damage output and the ability to block attacks, but also because I love the comically oversized look of those blades. So far I've put about ten hours in, managed to craft a complete suit of Giaprey armour (which looks a lot more badass than the fluffy Mafumofu suit I was wearing before), and completed all the one-star quests, and I think it's safe to say the franchise has also managed to get its claws into me. I'm still a bit daunted by the game's mechanical depth and the lack of any clear player direction, but I'm content to take baby steps and deal with that stuff at my own pace. I guess the point of this whole rambling paragraph is that I came here to say thanks, for indirectly encouraging me to take the plunge with this franchise at long last. Cheers, duder.

I am happy to have walked you to the edge that you jumped from; you jumped into an earlier version that still scares me and I've played nearly 20 hours of MH4U now. It makes me feel awesome to know that I helped you find this new experience that you seem to be enjoying.

Like I said, I'm close to 20 hours in and I'm still taking baby steps because there are a lot of things that I have no clue about just yet. If you ever decide to move up to the 3DS and MH4U then let me know and we'll hunt together sometime. Also, I have been so close to buying Omega Ruby on about 43 occasions now, I may actually get it the next time though.

Thanks for reading.

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I'll go there because I remember watching this live and absolutely losing it when I heard it.

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#4  Edited By JBG4

Just one this week, I was incredibly busy.

I'll post the full link here because I cannot figure out how to use the Link since it changed. I am totally lost on how to create one to my actual blog using the Link function above.

Sorry if I overlooked something. Thanks as always though

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I appreciate you writing these blogs, duder. Reading blogs from various people on these forums has become one of my favourite pass times on this site, and your blogs are no exception. I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation, but if it means anything, the enthusiasm you show when writing about the games you play has always left a smile on this duder's face.

In regards to the question, I'd probably say Resident Evil. These days I'm a proclaimed fan of horror, but I feel like I've been spoiled with video games like Dead Space, to the point that I think I'd struggle to get into the series that effectively preceded it. I remember forcing myself to try the original Resident Evil, but to no avail. I also gave the Resident Evil 5 demo a shot, which was more up my alley, but the setting wasn't doing anything for me. That said, with the recent release of the HD version of Resident Evil on PS4, I'm thinking of giving it another shot. Even if I only end up playing the first game in the series, I don't quite want to give up on it yet.

That is one of the things that brings me the most joy now. I have a great life, don't get me wrong, I've learned to take a step back and look at all of the great things I have other than what I've lost. I'm hoping that if someone sees that enthusiasm and positivity when they're in a bad spot then it may help them. I am so happy that you enjoy the blogs and I absolutely love interacting with you and everyone who comments. Thanks.

Resident Evil was such a product of the time it was released. There was NOTHING else really like it back then that was on that scale so people fell in love with it, myself included. The HD version has improved analog control which makes it a ton easier to go back to and play right now. I think you'll really enjoy it because there are some great moments in that game.

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@slag said:

Dang dude, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry that happened to you and this something you have to deal with. That's life though I guess, All any of us can do when fate deals us a bad hand is try to appreciate what we got and keep grindin'. Sounds to me like you do.

Fwiw You have my respect. Not sure if I can do anything for you, but if you ever need to vent to a stranger, you know where to find me.

Has there ever been a video game series that you were intimidated to try to play?

No, not really. Maybe Crusader Kings like @arbitrarywater said. But for me that's more due to old gamer man laziness of not wanting to learn byzantine mechanics, than intimidation.

I will say there are many multiplayer modes for games I just don't want to mess with because I don't feel like getting rekt and taunted. But even then a lot of times I don't care, if I'm in the mood I'll just keeping mash next until I get somewhere. Think I lost 7-8 Street Fighter matches in a row last week.

Well ok Rhythm games, I have a terrible sense of rhythm so those games are about zero fun for me.

Heh if you can get Monster Hunter, MOBAs should be a piece of cake for you conceptually. Especially for you since you like Basketball. In my opinion DOTA captures more of the co-operative free flowing feel of Basketball than any Video game basketball game like Double Dribble, NBA Live, 2K or Jam or what have you. That team aspect to the game is actually why I like it so much.

The hard part is not the game itself, but really finding decent people to play with, as having bad teammates almost guarantees a bad time.

To be fair you are probably smart to avoid them, all my friends who have become parents (I think you mentioned you were a parent before right?) pretty much have had to give them up. A game that requires dozens-hundreds of 50-60 minute matches that you basically can't pause to get proficient at it, just doesn't jive well with the realities of parenting.

But they also make a decent spectator sport, if you are into watching e-sports at all I think you'll dig it if you give it a chance.

Thanks so much, I really appreciate that, it's awesome to know that I have just added to my support system with people like you here on the site. I have learned to manage everything the best that I can right now both physically and mentally so I'm in a good place; writing this blog and interacting with everyone has been great over the last few months.

I was terrible at Guitar Hero or Rock Band. I could never get the timing right playing an instrument or singing so I just played them on easy when people were around and wanted to try it out.

The way that you described MOBA's is the only way that anyone has ever piqued my interest in them, haha... relating them to basketball seems crazy but makes sense with the gameplay that I have watched of them. I play NBA 2K so playing DOTA with that in mind is intriguing to me now but, like you said, I just may not have the time to commit to them to get even somewhat decent. I'm playing Monster Hunter right now but that's easy because I can lay in the bed and load up a hunt while I'm getting tired enough to fall asleep or I can jump into a mission during the day after I save a run in Resident Evil. It's an amazing game to just turn on and get some quick fun with; which I guess is one of the main reasons it is SO huge in the East.

I may start watching more of it though. I have mainly only watched Daily DOTA here on GB but I may check out some Twitch streams.

Again though, thanks, he added support means a ton.

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@cornbredx: I try to play new things or go back to things that initially gave me trouble. I talked about that in the entry where I only discussed the Souls series. At first I couldn't stand Demon's Souls but when I took the plunge and played Dark Souls I found out that I really loved it and went back to Demon's eventually to conquer it too.

@arbitrarywater: I have entries in both of those series' in my Steam library right now but have never really played either one because of the time commitment that I believe I would need to invest to just learn the basics. Daunting is the perfect word for them.

@patoday: Thanks. I've learned to control it the best that I can... it's tough by totally manageable if you get the right help. I've also avoided MOBA's because I really don't understand them.

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@nux said:

@jbg4: Honestly I think the Insect Glaive is one of the better weapons for beginners to use. It might be a little complicated to upgrade but it's a really easy weapon to use. The mounting attack can be pretty OP at times as it can completely shut down some monsters like Kecha Wacha and is invaluable when it comes to fighting the larger monsters, not to mention you can use it to avoid attacks and position yourself behind or in front of the monster depending on where you want to attack.

If you ever need tips for using any weapons I recommend watching this guy's videos. He was extremely helpful when I was just starting out in MH3U. He also has some great basic videos that will help you understand the basics of Monster Hunter.

I should have a little easier time aiming with the Insect Glaive now because I finally found a New 3DS XL and bought it... YAY!!!!

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@lanechanger: I was thinking the exact same thing the other day. It reminds me of that stuff too.

@mmmslash: Keep this advice coming. I really appreciate every bit of it. While I'm having a blast discovering some things on my own there wouldn't be any way to know what you've told me. Thanks!

@starvinggamer: I'm in deep man. I'm in deep.

@apsup said:

@jbg4: It's easy to miss, so you might have do so too, but if you go back to the 1 star missions there are weapon tutorials for every weapon in the game. Those at least get you started when trying different weapons.

I totally missed that. I checked it out this morning and plan to do a couple today just to see how a few of the other weapons work. Thanks

@nux said:

@jbg4 I don't know if you know this yet but just encase you don't here is a tip from a Fellow Glaive user: The Insect Glaive has a mounting attack which is going to be your best friend for as long as you use that weapon. Just hit R+B and this will shoot you up into the air then try to hit the monster while you are falling. I recommend trying to get the red+white essence buff first before trying to mount because this essence contamination will make your air attack strike twice which is important as it always takes two mid-air hits to knock down a monster the first time.

You can also mark specific parts of a monster by shooting out pheromone with the R button. When you hit a monster with pheromone the part hit will glow a different color based on the type of essence you will get from this part. In addition your Kinsect will always try to head towards the marked spot kinda like a heat seeking missile.

One final tip is when feeding your Kinsect nectar try to increase speed as much as you can. The faster your Kinsect can move the faster you can get your essence buffs which will vastly improve your performance when fighting monsters.

There are so many small intricacies to using the Insect Glaive that it almost seems like a terrible weapon for a beginner but then when I look at the guides for some of the others I think "Nope, this one is just fine" haha... there are some insanely deep systems in this game that I haven't even scratched the surface of yet.

Thanks so much for the tips though. They've all been incredibly useful.

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I've always loved the stamp of approval from Jeff in the description for the game.