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Bayonetta is crazy and awesome

So I bought Bayonetta at Christmas from Amazon for $10 and finally got around to playing it (after finally finishing Vanquish).  And I have to say this game is awesome!!!  I really love the attitude the main character has and the game as just the right amount of crazy for me.  The thing I really dig about this game is that it is a fun, 3rd person character combat game (in the same vein as Devil May Cry) but with actual check points and a (wait for it), continue system.  The thing that drove me crazy about the Devil May Cry games is that you had to BUY your continues and they got progressively more expensive the more you got.  This would put me in the situation where if I continued, I had to decide if I wanted to start over from the beginning of the level, or continue.  
I admit that I'm not has hardcore as I once was.  Nowadays, I want a fun challenge,  but not one that is overly punishing.  I've felt that the Devil May Cry games (and other Japanese action games) tend to be more punishing than fair.  And in this day in age with so many good game and so little time, I don't want to play a game that just kicks my ass and doesn't really give me a shot.  That's why I enjoy the fact that Bayonetta actually has a real life, honest to goodness checkpoint system and continues.  That and the fact that the game is challenging but fair and is CRAZY.



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Edited By JCGamer

So I bought Bayonetta at Christmas from Amazon for $10 and finally got around to playing it (after finally finishing Vanquish).  And I have to say this game is awesome!!!  I really love the attitude the main character has and the game as just the right amount of crazy for me.  The thing I really dig about this game is that it is a fun, 3rd person character combat game (in the same vein as Devil May Cry) but with actual check points and a (wait for it), continue system.  The thing that drove me crazy about the Devil May Cry games is that you had to BUY your continues and they got progressively more expensive the more you got.  This would put me in the situation where if I continued, I had to decide if I wanted to start over from the beginning of the level, or continue.  
I admit that I'm not has hardcore as I once was.  Nowadays, I want a fun challenge,  but not one that is overly punishing.  I've felt that the Devil May Cry games (and other Japanese action games) tend to be more punishing than fair.  And in this day in age with so many good game and so little time, I don't want to play a game that just kicks my ass and doesn't really give me a shot.  That's why I enjoy the fact that Bayonetta actually has a real life, honest to goodness checkpoint system and continues.  That and the fact that the game is challenging but fair and is CRAZY.