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Tofu Never Dies. Sigh

 Anybody who has been keeping up to date on the latest games has heard about Super Meat Boy. And anybody who has been keeping up to date on the latest games newscan’t have missed the story about how much PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) absolutely positively hate Super Meat Boy.

Super Meat Boy is a game currently on X-Box and PC, which tells the tale of a small cube of meat named Meat Boy who must save his girlfriend Bandage Girl from the diabolical Dr Fetus. In response to this, PETA created their version of the game ‘Super Tofu Boy’.

“Meat Boy is a vengeful, bloody cube of rotting animal flesh. And he smells,” were the extremely mature words featured on the PETA website.  In the PETA version of the game, Meat Boy is the bad guy, who goes on a rampage once Bandage Girl dumps him for Tofu Boy.  PETA explains “o nce Bandage Girl slept with Tofu Boy and saw all that he had to offer, it was bye-bye beef, hello bean curd."

To me that says, “PETA doesn’t like people eating meat, but being a hussy is a-ok.” And that’s really not a-ok in my books. Also, to view the game on their website takes you to a violently blood splattered page which looks something like this:

Nothing like a page splattered with gore to make me want to listen to something someone has to say.

Also, PETA make  numerous references to tofu being tasty, meaning that they have created this allegedly lovable character, who is going to do all these things and become deemed “super”, and then devour him. NOT VERY ETHICAL PETA. Think of all the little Vegan children you’ve just scarred for life.
“But Mummy, I don’t WANNA eat Tofu Boy!”
“Shutup Timmy and eat your beans!”

Animals are life. PETA wants to protect life. But plants are living. And beans are plants. Therefore, aren’t PETA forcing a diet choice on everybody that causes them to eat something that technically goes against what they stand for anyway? Hmmm

I respect PETA and everything they stand for. But it just seems to me that they’ve taken a fantastic idealogy and belief, and completely ruined all their good work by making the general public hate them with stunts like this. Making the population hate you by pushing your diets on them and making them feel guilty for not conforming to your ideals isn’t any way to win fans.

And with that said and done, I think I’m gonna go and grab myself a steak for dinner.