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#1  Edited By JeremySpittle

Isn't there a fake game over screen somewhere in the series?

That's the sort of thing that will throw me off. Is it obvious immediately it's a fake? I wouldn't want to skew the data when we get there

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Episode 3 has been updated and documented. At the advice of Dan and Drew during the videos, I am counting fail states as deaths (they give a Game Over screen).

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Seems like a sweet project, would love to see it happen, but admittedly don't have the perseverance to do it myself.

That's exactly what I'm here for! I'm going to be keeping track of this data no matter what, so I figure that I'd open it up to anybody who wants to view or use it

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#4  Edited By JeremySpittle

These Graphs are Up-to-Date through Episode 10

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So, as most of us know, last season somebody made some PRETTY KICKASS CHARTS for tracking Drew's deaths in MGS.

I'd like to take this one step forward.

I'm on a personal mission to track any and all aspects of each and every death through the second season (and beyond!) for anybody to use and compile how they like. This is a fun project for me, and I'll be doing it whether anybody cares or not for myself. However, if you guys are interested like I suspect that you are, I'd be interested in making this as community accessible as possible and incorporate any feedback I get. I'd like to get a jump on this because we're only two episodes in and it is easy to change right now. (By the way, this will be a bunch of text, so if you just want to see the efforts so far then scroll down to the bottom of this post for the link).

I'm currently tracking Death # in episode, Time of Death, Type of Death (Boss, Enemy, Suicide, Environment, Animal), Cause of Death (gunshot, fall, explosion, etc), and Source of Death (Soldier, Boss name, etc). I am also keeping tallies of the total for each Type across each episode and the entire series. These are right now just examples of how you might get totals for any category. I may end up tracking the totals for Cause and Source as well, but I'd need your help for that.

I have a confession.

I've never played a MG game. I have no idea what's going to happen every episode so I'm experiencing it along with Drew. So if there is any weird Type, Cause or Source that I should be tracking separate from what I already am, then I need to know sooner rather than later to make the entire project as useful as possible. For example, say there is some reason I should be tracking bullets from enemies dressed in brown different from those dressed in yellow - if I separate them out now in preparation then it will be easier later. So if the game needs to get spoiled for me to make this, that's fine, it's for the good of us all.

Anyway, I'm doing this for everybody to use as they see fit. Want to download the entire thing and fork it to your own? Cool. Want to implement it into your website? Go ahead! Want to use the data to build an end-user tool to view and analyze the data? I'll be the first to try it. If you make anything cool to show off, I'd appreciate it if you could link to either the spreadsheet itself or back to this post so others know where they can also get the data. Besides that, do as you will! I trust that if people are interested in this type of thing then you'll make some pretty cool findings. For example, how long will the average time played before death be through the entire series? How many times will Drew accidentally kill himself by falling off of something while fighting a boss and how does that compare to the amount of times Drew kills himself with explosions?

I am going to be updating this within a few days of each episode coming out (depending on work and such at the time). If there is actual interest then I will try to keep this topic (or another one like it) alive to document the progress and show off cool things that people make. Even if there is no interest you can count on the spreadsheet being updated if you're just the sick kind of person that likes to look at spreadsheets that don't interest you. Anyway, the link is right here. It's currently being managed by a spreadsheet in Google Docs. I made this choice because it's easy to search through all episodes and get totals from text cues and then display that information in pretty graphs.

Thanks for taking the time to read this

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Put what you made out there on the forums. All of the staff regularly reads these posts

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When something super weird happens in a game that Vinny is playing he will sometimes say "Yeah...sure...okay!" really enthusiastically. I don't know why but I never stop laughing

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@kingpk said:

Saturday and Sunday content coming!? Truly we are in the golden age.

I know, it's amazing! It will always feel like a sweet surprise even when they're scheduled because I'm just not used to seeing new content on weekends

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#8  Edited By JeremySpittle

Just wanted to point out that between Saturday the 5th and Friday the 11th there will be (after UPF) 15 full feature videos posted. I've had much of the week off from work and I still have gotten way behind in watching all the content - I haven't felt this satisfied with my premium membership since I originally bought it and watched my first UPF. Having Dan and Jason this week coupled with the opening of GiantBEAST has injected so much more content than what we've been seeing for the past few months. So thanks to the GB guys and their hard work - you can really see the vision they've had for these expansions coming through now.

Edit: Wait, Teach Me FIFA was just posted without me realizing. 16.

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