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Local Haunting Personal Experiance (Warning! History Content!)

I live in the town of Antioch.  It is one of the oldest towns in California having been established in 1850 when Gold was discovered.  However, it was not until coal was discovered that our stories begin. 
The place is Rose Hills Cemetery located in the Black Diamond Mines.  This cemetery is haunted by the apparition of Sarah Norton better known as "The White Witch."  She was the widowed wife of Noah Norton, a founder of one of the small mining towns.    She was on her way to deliver a baby in October of 1879 when she was crushed to death in a buggy accident.  The people of the town wanted to give her a proper Christian burial, but the day was plagued by storms.  There was a second attempt at a burial which was also plagued by storms and stampeding cattle.  So she was never properly laid to rest.  On certain nights, you can see her walking in between the headstones of the cemetery.  No one is quite sure why she does this.  It could be to look over all of the children that have passed away and are buried there.  It could be that she has unfinished business.  Whatever the reason, she haunts the Cemetery and no amount of exorcisms on the grounds have helped.
I have seen the White Witch before, or, at least I think it was the White Witch.  It was about 5 or 6 months ago over the summer.  My girlfriend and I went to the Cemetery to...well...for lack of a better term make out.  We thought "Hey lets go over to old Sarah Nortons grave.  It could be fun."  So we went over there and started kissing.  I heard a whisper in my ear that said "What are you doing?"  I thought that it was my girlfriend.  I said "Squeezing your perfect ass."  She pulled away from me and was like "what?"  And I explained to her what I heard.  She said that it wasn't her that said that.  She didn't even hear it.  Thats when the hairs on my neck started to stick up.  I turned off out flashlight.  About a row over, the air started to get a little foggy.  I slowly turned my ex's head to the spot.  By the time she turned her head, there was a white mist that seemed to glow..  It floated in and around the headstones before disappearing.  Needless to say, we ran out of there.  I have never gone back.
There are many other stories about Rose Hills Cemetery.  New stories come to light every single year.  There are also many stories about Antioch's other haunts.  Places like the old Slaughter House and Empire Road.  Both of those places are closed off to the public now due to local ranchers getting sick of punk kids snooping around.  Who knows.  Maybe one day Ill take a trip down Empire Road to the Slaughter House late at night.  Not alone of course.  Im not crazy or anything.   


The Christmas Haul

So Christmas every year in my house is always one big gift and several clothing items.  My clothing Items are things that I will actually wear which is totally awesome.  I got two full outfits that I can wear to work, new shoes, a pair of really nice leather driving gloves, a scarf, and some new shoes.  The big gift is what is really awesome.
Now in previous years, I have gotten things like Guitars, 19" LCD TV, PS2, LCD Monitors, and the like.  Sadly though, as Christmas came closer, I could not think of a single thing that I wanted or needed.  I have a 360 and PS3.  I already have a bitchin Cell Phone.  I need a new computer, but that is far out of the Christmas Budget.  I need a new mattress, but that requires me testing them out and picking the best one.  I have a kick ass stereo.  I have a Zune for my music needs.  I have everything that I could possibly want that does not require me to decide what the exact model is and such.  So my parents got creative. 
This year they gave my two tickets to see a show in San Francisco.  Woo Hoo right?  WRONG!!!  I have two tickets for any night of my choosing for my girlfriend and myself to go see Cirque De Soleil: Presents Ovo.  We are not just talking about cheap seats for this show either.  We are talking premium seats.  $135 a seat.  I cannot wait to go to this show which should be in the next week (she goes back to school in LA on the 3rd).  I was able to find a preview of Ovo to share with all of you so that you know exactly what I get to go see.  I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and I love you all.


The Joys of Christmas Time

So Today I completely finished my Christmas shopping and wrapping, and I have to say, I think I did a very good job shopping this year.  I have included links where appropriate.   
For my Mom I got the movies The Proposal and Blood Diamond on Blu-Ray.  My girlfriend forced me to see the former, and I have to say, it wasn't bad.  I know that my mom will love it because Sandra Bulock is her favorite actress.  I know she will like Blood Diamond because we watched it a lot when we had HBO.  Now that we no longer have HBO, we have not been able to watch it for over a year.  I know that that film will make her Christmas.
For my dad I got him the movie Gladiator on Blu-Ray and a bottle of Cabo Wabo.  Gladiator is one of the only movies that he constantly talks about wanting which is saying something because he only likes 3 movies.  Troy, Gladiator, and Kingdom of Heaven.  Do you see a theme here?  I know I do.  The Cabo is pretty self explanitory. 
For my brother, I got him a $25 iTunes card.  I pink iTunes card.  Now to disguise it, I put it in a box that just so happened to perfectly fit four bags of top ramen.  I put the ramennoodles on top of the card which is under a false bottom of the box.  Its quite brilliant if you ask me.  I know he will get all flustered when he thinks that all hes getting is ramen.  Classic stuff.  
Now for my girlfriend I got her this.  Its not what I really want to get her, but its one thing that I know that she will really really like.  She has a thing for not only diamonds, but white gold as well.  Plus white gold looks better on her me thinks.  Thats not all of her gift either.  We celebrate Christmas on a special day that is not Christmas Day, but just a day that we can celebrate just the two of us so that it is even more special.  i am taking her into San Francisco to see The Nutcracker.  Following that, we are going to go out to dinner to a restaurant of her choosing (she does not know this yet btw).  Lastly, we are going to do her favorite thing in the whole world.  Ice Skating.  The necklace is just icing on a very tasty cake.  I hope that it makes her Christmas the most memorable one of her life.  
Anyway, thats really all that I have to say on the subject right now.  Writers block sucks ass.  Anyways, I think Ill leave you all with one of my favorite Christmas Songs.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!


How to have fun on Left 4 Dead 2 Versus Mode

Two of my friends and I were playing some Versus on L4D 2 last night.  We got some random as our fourth player and the dude was annoying as all hell.  You would think that it was his first time playing a video game.  "Oh my God GET THHIS JOCKY OFF OF ME!!!"  "Whats that?  OMG ITS A CHARGER!!!!!!  HELP ME!!!!!"  My buddies and I eventually kicked him because our ears were starting to hurt with all of his screaming.  The dude rejoined and was on our same team.  We booted him again.  The third time he joined he was assigned to the other team and thats when the fun began. 
When my buddies and I were Infected, we decided to single out this guy.  All of our attacks and aggression were targeted at this...kid for lack of a better term.  We made it painfully obvious too.  I mean to the point where myself as a boomer could easily get all four of the survivors with my puke and I only puke on him.  Having a Jocky ride him far from the survivors, die, and then the guy gets pounced, the hunter dies, then the guy gets hit by a charger.  We were loosing painfully at this point because the survivors were...well...surviving save for this kid.  We eventually let him heal then started hitting him again.  It was an absolute blast. 
What im saying is if you are playing a game of L4D2 Versus (all 5 of you that play it) and you are on a team with all friends, single out just one person.  Be it someone who was mouthing off in the lobby or some random dude.  You will have one hell of a time. 

Help Me Decide What Beer To Review

I really like beer.  Beer is an amazing beverage.  I written a beer review that I posted here on the site and I really want to review another beer.  The only problems are that I do NOT want to do a promoted beer (your Coors, your Buds, your Millers) and do something that gets little to no advertising (at least where I am from in the California Bay Area).  I do have some choices at my disposal, but I do not know which to choose. 
- ACME IPA Pale Ale 
- Fat Tire Amber Ale 
- Blue Moon 
- Shock Top 
I would really like to review one of these beers, but as I am strapped for cash, I need to pick just one.  If the community does not want a review of one of these beers, please suggest another.  The review on the chosen beer will be posted in a couple of days. 
Thank you for the help GB!!!

The Issue With DLC

What I don't understand is why 99.9% of the time when a company announces that they will have DLC for a game and that it is in the works less then a month before a game is released, people go through the roof with anger.  Sure there are some games and developers that get attacked and deserve it, but most don't.  The only times that that is acceptible is when the CONTENT THAT THEY ARE MAKING YOU PAY FOR IS ON THE DISK!!!!  Soul Calibur IV is the best example of this.  They charged $5.00 to unlock a character that is on the game disk itself.  Things like that are unacceptable and should stop.  But the majority of the time this is not the case.   
My main case in point is the very recent release of Borderlands.  The DLC is called The Zombie Island of Doctor Ned.  It was announced October 15th.  A whole five days before the game came out.  I remember reading on this site a couple of things that made my skin crawl. 
-"So, Gearbox, you've already started designing this stuff, eh? Tell me then... Why is this not in the box of the actual game? *Cough* micro-transactions... *Cough* I'm not disappointed to see it, certainly looks great: I'm just disappointed to see such a blatant marketing strategy at work." 
-"ehhh, I'm sorry, but this kind of DLC announcement is what I dislike. Something like this could've been put in the actual game, but instead they're trying to milk the consumer. Not saying the content is bad or anything, and heck, it would be ok even if it was announced after the game came out by a few months, but the game isn't even in stores yet. And yet they already got stuff in finished for this. It would sit well with me if they actually worked on it AFTER the game was released, not during the game's actual development.  " 
-"Another one bites the dust.  Chalk this up with Dragon Age as two games I was looking forward to but now am going to pass on because of ridiculous DLC scams to make the game more expensive.  How about devs just put everything into the game until release, then start working on a large, PC-worthy expansion pack if you want to extend the game properly.  "

 These are things that just make me angry.  Does no one realize that development on a game is complete weeks if not a full month before the game releases?  It does not take long to get good screens for announced DLC to be prepared.  There is no firm release date for the Borderlands DLC in question which means that it may not be complete.  In the several weeks between a game going gold and release date, it is not inconciveable for DLC to be developed in that time frame.  People who get up in arms over DLC being anounced for a game DAYS before its release asking why the content is not on the disk is just ridiculous.  Should the game constantly get delayed so that they can get the content on the disk???  No.  The main thing is, the content is extra.  It is not intended to be a part of the full experiance.  The full experiance is on the disk.  I'm sorry this kind of stuff just pisses me off to no end.  thanks for sticking through my little rant.


Amazing Borderlands Battle

One of the level 15 quests is called Marley and Moe.  It is a level 15 quest that should be a level 18 quest.  Marley and Moe are two Named Skags that wander the world.  It was my job to take them out.  I was at the time a level 14 Siren playing solo.  I figured that I would level up on the way to where they were wandering.  I did ding, and was still killing normal Skags when Marley rushed me from over the hill.  I knocked me back several feet.  Moe came up and started shooting lightening at me.  Now all of my weapons save one did Fire damage, and Marley is a fire Skag, so I was forced to use my two shot revolver (albeit a very powerful revolver) to damage him.  I kept getting smashed and beat up over and over again by the pair and the several random Skag spawn points that I accidently ran into.  It was not a good day.  I finally felled Marley and grabbed the health that he dropped and instantly phase walked to put some distance between myself and Moe.  When I came out of phase walk I got slammed in the back by something and went flying.  The something that hit me in the back was a lvl 14 Badass Fire Skag.  Now I have Moe to deal with AND the Badass Fire Skag.  Its like the fight started over again.  Thankfully Moe was easily dispatched with my fire weapons leaving the Fire Skag.  Using the same fingers crossed Revolver shots on the Fire Skag I finally felled him.  I had less then 20 HP remaining.  This entire encounter lasted around a half hour of constant fighting and dodging.  Thank God the normal Skags dropped tons of ammo for me.  Needless to say, I put my controller down after that fight and took a well deserved break from the action.  I'll be getting back into it tonight after work.

I'm an idiot

So as all of you Californian's know, today is the biggest rainstorm in October since the 50's, and like an idiot, I forgot my parking pass for the parking garage here at work.  This ment that I had to park 2 BLOCKS away from work AND I didn't bring an umbrella BECAUSE I WAS EXPECTING TO PARK IN THE PARKING GARAGE THAT IS ATTACHED TO THE BUILDING!!!!  Long story short.  IM A BLODDY IDIOT!!!!

I was on a Local Radio Show!!!

Well not really.  But a letter that I sent in was read on the air.  I was able to capture the audio and post it on YouTube.  Since it is just the audio of the show, I added some pictures of the shows hosts and myself to make the video easier to watch.  The clip is from the beginning of the segment through the end of my letter.  Enjoy. 


JokerClown88's Soapbox - Social Networking

I do not Twitter. Nor do I Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Hi-five, Orkut or engage in any other form of on-line social networking.

I want no part of it. Social networking, I have long argued, is yet another rung on the downward spiraling ladder of what used to be our society. It allows people to scream “look at me” while engaging in the most narcissistically boring comments ever scribed on behalf of mankind; “JD's status is that his tummy is full and he’s heading to bed.” Riveting.

Social networking also makes us cowards. More and more we communicate with other people by hiding behind the computer and/or cell phone while espousing some idiotic defense akin to “everybody’s doing it.” People are breaking up relationships via texting, Facebook postings and Twitter announcements; and why not? Why go to the trouble of showing the other person some dignity when you can hide behind your own keyboard and spare yourself the pain of disappointing another person face-to-face? Soon enough employees will be terminated, children disciplined and, divorces settled all though a total lack of human interaction, and yet for all of the world to see. No shame, no privacy, no courage.

I am certain we are only days away from watching the funerals of loved ones from the comfort of our own homes via web-streaming. Certainly that saves us all the pain of not only traveling and dressing up, but also having to deal with all of those sad people and their needy emotions and desire to be around others for comfort.

We already have traveling and non-present parents watching their children’s sporting events on-line, why not extend it?  After all, when someone like me dares to criticize a father who watches his son win the little league game from his hotel room in Omaha, I am called insensitive. I should be happy, I am told, that such technology exists to allow the father to still be part of his son’s life.

And that’s really the problem isn’t it?

We all like to hide behind technological advancements as though they bring struggling families together, when in fact we all know that what they truly do is drive most of us apart even further. Decades ago, as dad was faced with a crying child who didn’t want to see his father fly to Omaha the night of the big game, dad was confronted with actually dealing with it; either by explaining the misfortunes and unfairness of life to his son or by analyzing his own priorities as a father. Today, thanks to technology, dad just says “it’s okay, son, I’ll be watching from my room.” Ah, yes, another life lesson avoided. Thank God.

And so it should come as no surprise to you that I am looooving; absolutely loving, the consequences that are being thrust down upon social networkers. Yes, that’s right, my tweeters and my-facers, there are even consequences to all actions in a virtual, removed world.

More and more, people are being terminated, caught-in-the-act, and even robbed, all as a result of their incessant need for self-importance through social networking sites. Far be it from me to celebrate people losing their jobs or having their homes pillaged, but let’s just say that such occurrences as a direct result of my-face put a spring in my step, a song in my heart and a brief glimmer of hope that there is still perhaps a higher power directing us to our ultimate doom; A higher power with a simply awesome sense of humor.

Those of you that cry “how can they fire me for something I do in my personal time,” are naïve and stupid beyond words. All professions have morals clauses, implied or implicit.

A school teacher simply cannot be seen dancing on tables in bars, whether it be on a social networking site or by a group of her students’ parents. You can scream and moan and cry about it as much as you want, but it’s always been the truth. The arguments against it lie atop the scrap heap of excuses next to how unfair it is that employers judge people with tattoos, piercings and an inability to form complete sentences…it may upset you, but your hurt feelings don’t change the facts of life. Those of you my age and older will remember the days that teachers who smoked cigarettes did so behind blacked out windows and solid walls so that they wouldn’t be seen doing so, lest it leave a bad impression. If you don’t want to be seen dancing drunken on a bar table, don’t proudly put the picture on your Facebook page, dummy.

Work for Coors? You probably should not post photos of yourself drinking Budweiser. Don’t like that rule? Work somewhere else…or don’t put your life on display on your my Space page, dummy.

Traveling? Stop telling people, dummy. This is the crème de la crème…the piece de resistance, the cherry on top of my life’s sundae; the new rage amongst criminals is using facebook and twitter messages to discover who is traveling while on vacation, thus leaving behind an empty house ripe for a crime spree. Literally hundreds of Americans have been robbed this summer as a result of their asinine and short sighted need to advertise the fact that they’re not at home, anywhere near their home or coming home anytime soon. How beautifully poetic and just it is to see people who feel the need to scream “look at me I on vacation,” in a small, petty display of classlessness be punished by a home that is robbed. I hope it was worth it.

Before you begin with your lame attempts at moral equivalency, don’t even try the “it’s the same as sharing photos with people you love when you come home,” argument. No it isn’t. This form of “sharing,” masked as a wonderful way of communicating with the 2,350 most important people in your life while experiencing the joys of vacation is nothing more than the worst of humankind on display…and you know it. Sharing photos after a vacation with the few people who truly want to relive your joyous experiences is part of the wonderment of solid inter-personal relationships. Taking time out from your alleged vacation to upload photos of yourself in a bikini half a world away is nothing more than bragging; a real world, 21st century way of telling people you are supposed to be friends with, “look at me, today, right now, I am better than you.”

I changed my earlier thought; I AM glad that you get robbed. Perhaps humility can find its way to you via a small violation of what’s left of your personal dignity. I had my home broken into once, more than a decade ago, in the old fashioned way; the scumbag broke the lock on my back door in the middle of the day while I was at work. It was, still to this day, the most violated I have ever felt in my life. It began my love affair with guns, Cats and self reliance. It was truly a life changing event. I can only hope, I suppose, that some of you will experience the same catharsis as you fall victim to some sort of devastation in your life as result of your hollow need for social networks. Perhaps finding important things missing or destroyed will provide a wake up call to the prospect that there’s more to life than thinking you matter to a myriad of people who play the “look at me” game. Perhaps, thought it’s not likely.

Here is my challange for you.  Take a week off. No cell phone, no computer, no form of technological interaction whatsoever. You must personally talk to people, drive to places and do actual things.  At the end of the week, if you allow yourself, you’ll learn two very valuable lessons: You are not nearly as important as you thought you were and it feels so very good to not be very important.    

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