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Justin258's comments

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Those faces are very happy about being cut and that's kinda disturbing, even if they can just regenerate themselves.

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Edited By Justin258

It looked awesome when he was fighting those flying things, that looked like a lot of fun. I was about to turn around on my opinion of the game.

Then Jeff whistled several robot dinosaurs over to where he was stealth'd in some tall grass and insta-killed them. Apparently, you can get through much of the game like that. All right, I said, I'll probably never actually play the game that way, and remember Dark Souls? You could totally play through large portions of that game by pulling one enemy at a time over to you, killing it, then doing the same to the next enemy. Fine.

It's the slow, stealthy, dumb crawl through the caves that killed what enthusiasm I had built up from the earlier fight. Few of the enemies seemed to notice the lady wearing bright armor who was killing everyone, and the ones that did posed no threat whatsoever. Why is stealth still like that? Why do dumb AI enemies still walk over to a pile of freshly dead bodies and go "what's this?" right before being added to the pile with another arrow in the head? I know video game AI can be better.

This isn't to say that I don't have anything positive to say about the game. I do. It looks fantastic, for one, and I've been known to really enjoy games with subpar combat for some great vistas. I think that if you bumped the difficulty all the way up and actually tried to cause a ruckus instead of sneaking around, you could have fun with the combat. I don't mind crafting and gathering and hunting, and the game seems pretty good about giving you sidequests and organizing those well so that you're doing more than just running to every icon and doing whatever activity is there to do. And I'm genuinely curious to know what this story is that Jeff really enjoyed. So I probably will buy it at some point - all of the games I'm interested in seem to come out in the first half of the year rather than the later half, so this seems like a good game to get during late-year sales and such. But right now I've got Zelda and Persona to look forward to, both of which look like mammoth undertakings.

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Ha! They have a folder straight-up named "crap" on their desktop.

Also this game looks pretty cool.

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So...they kicked off with Jeff saying "my mic at home is blown out" and apparently everyone's mic here sounds kinda blown out too.

It's not something that's going to stop me from watching the video, but I do want to point it out.

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I like this video game but I think this white saviour shit sucks, even if it is faithful to the original material that it was based upon.

Why is that rubbing you the wrong way, considering that this game was made by Japanese devs and the main character is based on an actual guy? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't see how it's a problem.

I think this game looks cool but I'm probably not going to purchase it anytime soon. Breath of the Wild and Persona 5 come out far too soon for me to even think about spending another $60 on something that will take me more than a dozen hours to finish. I also still have Bloodborne to put some time into if I'm feeling the itch for another Souls-like. I'll put it on my list of "games I might buy later" and get it later this year.

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@csl316 said:
@justin258 said:

I'm pretty sure I remember Knuckles digging and climbing in Sonic Adventure 2.

There are definitely story elements connecting the original Mega Man series to X and X to Zero. I'm pretty sure ZX is supposed to take place in the future of Zero and Legends is supposed to take place far (very, very, very, very far) in the future of ZX, but I'm not a hundred percent sure on that one because I haven't played these games in a long time. I don't think Battle Network and that DS spin off of Battle Network have anything to do with the other series.

God dammit. I have many games to play, but you just made me take out my copy of the Zero Collection again.

I never really played Mega Man Zero 1 or 2 but Zero 3 is my second favorite Mega Man game behind X1. It is so fucking good. The X series went downhill fast and then I played Zero 3 and I was like "this is where the X series should have gone".

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I'm pretty sure I remember Knuckles digging and climbing in Sonic Adventure 2.

There are definitely story elements connecting the original Mega Man series to X and X to Zero. I'm pretty sure ZX is supposed to take place in the future of Zero and Legends is supposed to take place far (very, very, very, very far) in the future of ZX, but I'm not a hundred percent sure on that one because I haven't played these games in a long time. I don't think Battle Network and that DS spin off of Battle Network have anything to do with the other series.

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Edited By Justin258

@zoozilla said:

Shantae - AKA Midriff the game.

I saw a friend of mine playing a good bit of this and I'm 99% certain that every single female character in this entire game is wearing pants and a bikini top. That's not a problem, just an observation.

What is a problem, though, is the camera. And not the spinning camera in town, either, that's fine. You turn left and right constantly in this game and there's something about the way the camera pans over as soon as you turn that kinda didn't set too well with me. I mean, it didn't make me feel like puking or anything, but it did make me a little dizzy watching Brad push left and, before the camera had finished panning left, pushing right. The camera would slow down, then start going the other way. That's never bothered me in games before but something about the way this one is tweaked just doesn't work well for me.

Otherwise, I dunno, game looks fine. If you're itching for a colorful 2D action-platformer and you've played Shovel Knight to the point of being able to finish it blindfolded, this seems like it should do the trick.