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Top 10 games of the '10s

10. Minecraft: The first video game I played with both of my kids simultaneously. Its value as a limitless virtual Lego set is incredible for our family's creative growth.

9. Doom: The best shooter I played this decade. Fast, clever, intense, but never too serious, just how I like 'em.

8. Journey: A spiritual experience, the only time I've gotten that from a game. Still holds up.

7. Mass Effect 2: The trilogy is the best scifi story I've ever experienced in a game, and this is still the best entry in the series.

6. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: Fantastic gameplay execution of the series' tactical stealth action ethos, and wrapped up the series' story as well as it could be done.

5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds: A direct sequel to one of my all-time favorites, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and quite a love letter to that Hyrule. Improves on the essential Zelda mechanics in all the right ways.

4. Hitman: A slick, deftly executed murder playground. Hitman is the game that got me watching game streaming on Twitch, and I've loved watching Dan, Brad, Drew and Vinny play it just as much as any series I've watched on TV/Netflix.

3. Super Mario Maker. Nintendo really delivered a longtime dream for us 80s kids. I got to build my own Super Mario Bros. 3 levels, and years later it's still so much fun to fire up.

2. No Man's Sky. Bought this game twice (PC + PS4), 200+ hours across both releases. The vibe of exploring and space flight is intoxicating and continues to call me back every few months.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The series had to be broken to be rebuilt as this absolute masterpiece. At times terrifying, thrilling, exhausting, and exhilarating, at some point I will be brave enough to axe my fully-loaded save and start it again.

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