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#1  Edited By KamikazLei
@wealllikepie: please don't talk about MW2, It gets me pumped but also extremely upset, just to think about the gayness and camping ahhh, I can't wait for my mass effect 2 from gamefly to get a rest from effing MW2, currently playing No more Heroes 2, anyone??
@Rathian94: I just saw that on G4, but really? a full game of Ezio in Rome? or is it a DLC? I dunno either way, my complaint of why we didn't get to play in rome in AC2 has been heard lol. 
@Angie_981: Isnt Rome like Italy's biggest city?, haha lol yeah I really hope It answers the subject 16's question once and for all, and I will be pissed If it is for the PSP or the DSi, as a matter of fact I'm not going to get excited yet lol; 
spelling wrong again?! Meh! vene bene mene pene, I just wanna know how to speak It, I'm not interested on writing haha. 
I don't know about multiplayer, I don't think I'll be playing It, UNLESS Ubisoft gets gay and puts accomplishments/tropies that require completing multiplayer.
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#2  Edited By KamikazLei

hahaha yeah the new mario wii is fun, I played it with my 3 other pals and that was endlessly fun and hilarious, I'm so glad I get to play It before I get busy.  
And yeah I asked an Italian friend, she said riposa in pace, I was like "fu**ng Ubisoft and their lame Italian" lol little did I know, that's latin haha, and yeah I learned spanish already and I find a lot of words are pretty similar to italian, I.e: bien>vene, putana>puta Lmao!!. 

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#3  Edited By KamikazLei  It's-a-me Mario! lol enjoy.  

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#4  Edited By KamikazLei

NM about caterina really, stuff you already read the first time you met her (when you're trying to get the pass to go to venice), and I had no idea it was latin, I tell you I'm looking forward to learn italian even though its gonna be one heck of a challenge. 
P.S. everyone thinks everyone's american in these forums lol so you can never tell who's english is good or who's isnt.

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#5  Edited By KamikazLei

Angie is Italian, What?! Fuken A, no wonder you corrected me with the requiscat en pace (I got it wrong again didnt I), I'll sit here and be a fan, but Im still proud of my japy-brazilia fucked up mix =). 
 Someone they hope the next AC DLC be in Rome, Yeah! what's up with that, I was looking forward to see Rome, I think that was the one city I wanted to see, I was dissapointed cause the only part of the game you get to see Rome you can totally see they didnt really bother to make it look like Rome, It was more like a mic of venice and flore. by the way I beat the AC2 game for the iphone on a flight from Hawaii to FL 2 nights ago, It was badass for an iphone game, oh and for the record, FUKen Saints won the superbowl, I luv FL.

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#6  Edited By KamikazLei

By the way Asassins Creed 2 just came out for the iphone, pretty decent controls, but I think Its the same one as Discovery (the DS version) that has Ezio going to Spain to rescue assassins from templars, nyways the game is pretty awesome for an iphone game.

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#7  Edited By KamikazLei

he killed himself, cause he was going insane, in the process he figured might as well leave this signs for future subjects.

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#8  Edited By KamikazLei
@TyCam:  about sunject 16's ability to see that far in the truth, remember that he used the animus way too much, also remember he died from this, lucy says "they drained his soul", As for knowing where the next AC might take place?, well after AC1 I sorta knew It would take place in Italy just because of the rich cultural history Italy has, just like in AC1 in AC2 we're seeing a map with a bunch of marks of places where again we're going crazy tryna figure where the next chapter will take place, what would I want to see? maybe japan, what do I think, probably spain for its rich cultural history, then again we don't know.   
As for why they have so many animus downstairs, well after the first fails maybe they thought they should build a bunch of them, Im guessing they never thought S.16 and desmond would be able to do so much, then again, question isn't the animus the same one S16 and desmond both used?.
@Angie_981: yeah I seen an endless amount of vids of kids building hidden blades, as a matter of fact, my cousin who is 16 dressed as Ezio for a costume party and build the hidden blade WITH, WITH ladies and gents the hidden pistol using a paint gun lmao!.  
As for Desmond hiding stuff from Lucy, I doubt It because when that scene you described happens, Desmond stills confused cause he just found out about the eagle vision but isnt sure why he is able to do It, and I think he learns about It as the game goes on, remember when they first see the glyphs and are wondering how they got there, Desmond says "those are just like the ones I saw at abstergo", one thing I wonder though is how the hell does Lucy have a hidden blade (at the end). 
My question remains, who was S16, because I think he's memories played a huge role in the entire game so far.
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#9  Edited By KamikazLei

I don't know what co-op you could make out of AC, I mean It's not like splinter cell for example where one guy would throw the other one to the other side or he would help the other one up high. Ezio already is able to these things on his own, I just don't see what kind of co op they could do, unless It was something where like one made a diversion while the other player moves in for the assassination, but others than that I don't know, like uncharted, it would be something I wouldnt really play.

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#10  Edited By KamikazLei

Does  everyone agree Assassin's creed 2 is way better than AC1? and that Ezio's costume is better than Altaiir's? And yeah I can't  stop saying:: Requiscate en pace. lol