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Motivational Poster of Me on Web, CheapyD + Donna Burke Party

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My friends were kind enough to point this picture of me out on Facebook.   Also, I've gotten a huge influx of gamers sending me email on my keitai and home address saying they support me.  Some others have called me "GK" which is Japanese for Sony fanboy.  GK means "Gate Keeper" and many view Sony as Gate Keepers of the interweb.  Basically, it's how people feel about MS in America...MS pays people off.

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Here's a copy of one of the emails I've gotten.  From a lovely chap that has wished me well.

Tomorrow I go to a BBQ to celebrate the Japanese holiday of the Sea.  Wednesday, I have a party that Donna Burke invited me to, and on Sunday I have a party that CheapyD from Cheap Ass Gamer invited me to.  I also have my final exams for Risk Management, Business Statistics, and Financial Accounting!  Great week if you ask me.

Anyways this is what I'll be up to this week.  I'll take pictures of the BBQ, Donna Burke's party, and the party being hosted by CheapyD.

Still shocked people are still talking about me on 2ch though.  I didn't expect my "protesting" of DQ9 being a big deal...but I guess after I started posting on 2ch, it got even more heated and the Japanese otakus were kind enough to show me around how Japanese fanboys "run" the industry in Japan.  Fun times!


Sony Fanboys:  GK - Gate Keepers (FOX News of Japan)

M$ Fanboys:  Chikan (pervert) or Zainichi (Koreans), yes...Chikan because of Idol Master...and Zainichi because Japanese people hate Koreans.  It has to do with M$ supporting that Korea has control over an be honest, I have no idea...this is what 2ch told me.

Kidtendo Fanboys:  Ninchin (pretty self explanatory)

That's all for today. Thankee sai.