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Ok, no one cares, but I am going to start posting regularly on GB.

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@adamwd said:

I don't support any of this GamerGate crap, but I'm just curious, where did Anita Sarkeesian come from? I never heard of her contributing to the industry in any form prior to all this internet drama. I can't find anything stating that she has any kind of background in the industry. It seems like she just showed up out of nowhere and started complaining about everything imaginable. Am I missing something here? Seems like the attitude towards women in games has gotten worse since she arrived.

What's really ironic about the last few years, specifically starting with the backlash to Sarkeesian's videos, is how the reaction has made them all the more powerful. If people hadn't flipped out over her tiny video series, her message would be one of many on YouTube. It hardly would have grabbed the same traction on its own, but the detractors gave her a platform. The very people trying to tear her down managed to turn her into a martyr, and her message is heard louder than ever before. The same thing is happening with Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu. Zoe made a relatively banal but meaningful text adventure about depression, and Brianna's studio made a pretty cool sci-fi adventure starring female characters.

In essence, GamerGate and things like it have had the opposite intended effect.

If I understand the movement correctly, it was to pull support from perceived corruption in the Industry. If I am correct, site traffic to the implicated websites, the ubiquity of the hashtag, and the fact that there is a discussion at all is evidence they are achieving their goals.

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@salxis said:

Also, DON'T GIVE UP PATRICK! Tired as you may be, your work inspires others to speak up, such as myself!

Don't thank me. Thank Rorie and the tireless mods who have spent hours trying to let people have a reasonable discussion. We could not do this without them.

I did. Now I would thank you as well if you were a bit more transparent and unbiased with your reporting (although we have already spoken briefly about this)!

All I am asking for is that both be represented (and I am not even a GGer).

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@rorie said:

@turambar said:
@splodge said:

@mb said:

@extomar said:

Wow...this thread has really gone off the rails. I'm not sure if the mods can help or correct the direction the thread is going. :/

We're trying's like 300 posts an hour right now.

And note the sheer amount of posts that have been deleted. This must be a nightmare for the mods.

One thing I do appreciate is Rorie's willingness to lock threads and articles when things get too hot, and then open them back up the next day.

I'll be clear: I don't like doing this. But I think everyone on either side of this discussion can at least recognize that the last few days have been pretty stressful for the (unpaid, volunteer) moderators, even if you don't particularly care for their role on the site. I'm going to reserve the right to lock threads and unlock them later just to keep everyone sane. Sorry, I know that sucks, and complaints about it are certainly valid, but this argument has been bubbling around for months now and it's clear that the loss of twelve hours' commenting time is probably not going to cause any seismic shifts in the nature of this conversation.

Keep up the good work.

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#5  Edited By kidkarolus

@nmarebfly said:


It is! Thanks.

I guess I should have been clearer in my point, though -- I don't see evidence any of the sites in question DID attack gamers. These sites are then the victims of an unjust accusation, and should also be considered innocent until proven guilty.

People that accuse the sites of attacking gamers are, in my opinion, being disingenuous or haven't really understood the actual message of the 'gamers are dead' articles past the headline. The fact that it's the phrase 'gamers are dead' that directly quoted in the post leads me to the conclusion that the objection is based on a misinterpretation of the message. I wanted to highlight this part of what you said: 'With any victim, you must be cautious that the claim are valid and that the accused is not falsely accused.'

I don't believe that most of the claims about the 'anti-gg' side you quoted are valid so I see dissonance there, or perhaps hypocrisy. Not in a conscious way, but it rarely is.

I concede that people may have become unduly hostile, but they have not done anything "wrong" as far as I see it. They have expressed their displeasure, valid or otherwise, based on the articles released. I did read some of the articles and felt they were misinformed and ill-advised if nothing else. But when someone like Ms. Alexander say things like:

‘Games culture’ is a petri dish of people who know so little about how human social interaction and professional life works that they can concoct online ‘wars’ about social justice or ‘game journalism ethics,’ straight-faced, and cause genuine human consequences. Because of video games.

It is easy to see why people might become offended or conclude that they are being belittled and spoken down to by sites that claim to cater to this audience.

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@milkman said:

@turambar said:

@milkman said:

@turambar: Actually, I think it's a pretty good representation of what's going on here.You can explain why you think it's reductive though.

Anyone that denounces such threats, and also thinks the people the threats are directed towards are themselves wrong, throws a wrench into that representation, doesn't it? But you know, if you want to reduce anyone that thinks FemFreq makes poor arguments into threatening caricatures, you're free to.

Are you capable of responding to anyone without being sarcastic or patronizing?

I'm going to put this into the simplest possible terms here: The people threatening Anita and the "reasonable" people of GamerGate want the same thing. To silence voices in the games industry that they don't agree with. One group is just nicer than the other.

By that logic, any vile, vocal minority of a group represents the message of the whole. So does Ms. Sarkeesian want to kill all men because some feminists wish to? I would suggest that many of the people offering threats are doing so because the whole debacle offers an easy platform to do so and get publicity. But I admit, I am a neophyte when it comes to internet trolling (although I do get quite heated in Dota 2 matches).

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@duckhunter said:

@kidkarolus: It's really the problem that, for some reason, people are unable to differentiate individuals from the group. Every group has its radicals and loons. Yeah some of the people claiming to support gamergate are indeed being terrible. Now go look at something like the most radical groups of feminists on tumblr stating that men should be killed. There is no difference between radicals when prejudices are thrown to the side. Sadly, it seems that the vocal community on here is incapable of empathy for ideas they do not share, and thus create this great boogeyman.

Agreed. Well put.

@duckhunter said:

@kidkarolus: It's really the problem that, for some reason, people are unable to differentiate individuals from the group. Every group has its radicals and loons. Yeah some of the people claiming to support gamergate are indeed being terrible. Now go look at something like the most radical groups of feminists on tumblr stating that men should be killed. There is no difference between radicals when prejudices are thrown to the side. Sadly, it seems that the vocal community on here is incapable of empathy for ideas they do not share, and thus create this great boogeyman.

It's not "Feminists vs Gamergaters" though. It's a bunch of different people affiliated with no one group who just don't agree with Gamergate is doing.

But GamerGate is not one demographic either (see the "NotYourShield" hashtag for reference). I am not belittling your point, but I would point out that both sides are diverse and both have their fair share of ugly individuals.

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@nmarebfly said:

@kidkarolus said:

  • They are outraged at what they see as collusion in the gaming media openly attacking gamers as a bunch of “nerds” “gamers are dead” “basement dwellers”, etc.

Assume that I claim that by challenging me, you have damaged my mental state and I demand you retract your opinion, must you retract? In this case, the victim is the accuser and must therefore substantiate claims. This is not Civil Forfeiture; the accused is not guilty until proven innocent. With any victim, you must be cautious that the claim are valid and that the accused is not falsely accused. It is necessary to build a justice system and it is necessary for civil discourse.

This is a driveby post and I'm sorry for that, but I'm curious if you see any evidence of cognitive dissonance between these two points (one of which you copy / pasted from a blog, I fully realize.)

I do not see the cognitive dissonance here. I do not challenge the right of those publications to publish those articles (although others may). I have a right to be offended in response, but I have not (nor have I seen, although I may be wrong) asked for those posts to be removed. Also, I think these may be a bit unrelated, if similar. One is specifically about a complaint, the other is supposed to illustrate the nature of the law, innocent until proven guilty. I suppose that I may be trying to have my cake and eat it too, but I took the complaint to be: "we don't like the articles, so we won't visit your site and will encourage others to do the same" as opposed to: "we are offended by your articles, and therefore have the right to see those articles removed".

Hopefully that was coherent explanation.

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@cogsdev said:

@dudleyville: They laid out in no uncertain terms why they were making the threat. How is this in any way conflicting with GamerGate's stated aims to purge the video game industry of feminism and leftist politics?

Is that GamerGate's stated goals? I posted earlier what I believed they were, but tell me if I am wrong. Do you know something about the movement I do not? Please tell me where you got your information from.

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@fear_the_booboo: Are you serious? OK, here goes logic. You are responsible for the moral degradation of society. You have personally offended me by refusing to acknowledge the most basic tenants of human rights in a civil society. As a result, I am incapable of preforming my basic civic duties. So YOU Mr/Ms Booboo must take responsibility and pay my taxes, serve jury duty for me, etc. Failure to do so is victim blaming because I am a victim of your mental harassment and aggression.

See how silly that sounds? That is because I have offered no evidence this is the case.

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