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Average score of 2 user reviews

A groundbreaking game with a few flaws holding it back 0

Assassin's Creed is a game about a man named Desmond (That's right, not Altair) who is caught up in a crazed science experiment, for the pursuit of figuring out the past of Altair, an assassin who lived in the year 1191 A.D. How are they going to discover this through a present- day bartender? Well, the mad scientist has discovered that people's memories are stored in their DNA, and that Altair is an ancestor of our Desmond. Believable? Not a bit. Do you mind, or do you just wanna stab someone? ...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Definitely WAS going to be a classic... 0

Army of Two is a cooperative cover based shooter that was planned to come out before Christmas '07, but pushed back to polish it up a bit. At first, it was planned to include a variety of vehicles, voice commands, a seamless integration of single player going into co- op, and... well, cooperative tampon reviving. To explain, your partner gets shot, you would use a tampon to stop the bleeding while he fought to survive. Apparently that really is the best thing to stop the bleeding, and they actua...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.