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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Rant

With the latest news from Eurogamer about Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 I am actually kind of angry. When I first heard of the news that Ninja Gaiden 2 was coming to the PS3 I was very excited. The thought of news levels, new enemy types and new characters to play with sounded super fun. But now that the news came out that the new director was taking it in a new.... non gory, casual direction I was kind of unsold on the game.

Ninja Gaiden in my mind is all about the stylish action and intense difficulty. With the announcement of the game only having two difficulty modes and the blood being removed from the game but being replaced with a purple mist sounds like they are trying to go for a broader audience on what we all know is a "hardcore" game. I could see if the purple mist came out of feind characters but I think we all know the humans bleed..... you know, blood. There has also been talk of DLC content "that will be meaningful and will extend to the experience. This to me screams "We're going to release the difficulty modes later to milk some money you of you guys".

Don't get me wrong the new additions to the game sound awesome and the co-op features are just getting me anxious to take my ninja skills online but these so called "new features" just sound straight up weird to me. Maybe the new producer Yosuke Hayashi has something against Tomonobu Itagaki or something but taking the game in this new artsy way just doesn’t sell to me. They could have had the purple mist as an option while also leaving the blood in like Gears 2 style violence filter. If they sell difficulty levels as DLC so help me I'm probably going to buy them, I guess I'm just part of the problem as well.

This is also posted up on my blog over at ExtraLives