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I think I've got a problem (nahhhh)

So I had my last final today, which I was super excited to be finished with (It was microeconomics if anyone is curious). Seeing as it was my last day, and my school's bookstore was buying back textbooks, I figured I would bring along a math book I had from when I took calc last semester. I just wanted to get rid of it and I figured they would have new editions by now so I wouldn't get much money for it  but  low and behold, they were still using that textbook and I got a cool $69.50 for it back.
Now, what did I think to do with this unexpected bit of cash? Go out and buy myself Assassin's Creed II as a reward. I didn't realize it until after, but I essentially just exchanged education for video games. I might have a serious problem developing here, but for the moment I am quite happy and can't wait to get into the game. If any of you have been listening to my podcast 3-bit you know I've been excited for AC2 for a while now.
Have any of you had such a quick flip of a switch between something like school and video games?