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Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Knifey played through it!)

After just finishing the game a half hour ago I felt like I should write something up for such a great game. I bought it for $2.49 when it was part of the daily holiday deals on steam last week and hot daim, did it meet my expectations. I had some memories from the first one, mainly of the bullet time mechanics and painkillers as health packs, but something I had forgotten was the way the story presents itself in a 2d comic book- noir style. This blew me away as I felt it catered to the dark and grim mood so much better than dated in game cut scenes. The voice acting provided with these stills gave it a very unique vibe that I have not seen in any game before, and actually made me wonder why more games don't utilize such techniques.
Another thing I love about this game is how Max Payne, as a character, is built up within reality as a believable, truly beat down individual. The man has issues, and the way the game presents the troubled insanity is brilliant. I am so happy to see a game that isn't afraid to have everything be absolutely terrible. This may have something to do with philosophical ideals I've been learning/thinking about in the last year and a half, but boy does it bring me joy.
Hell yeah some bullet time! This mechanic is the main reason I bought the game in the first place. I've had an gaming itch I needed scratched to play a bullet time third person shooter, and what better way than to go back to the series that started it? I feel it still holds up today, though some of the animation (namely running/normal jumping) is a bit clunky. Overall I had absolutely no problems playing through the game. I mean, you can blow dudes away while jumping through a door sideways and then turn on bullet time just so you can reload like a bad ass. This game is awesome.
So are there bombers out there who like me, picked this game up on a whim during the steam sale and have had their fizzy penis explode?! (Top Gear reference)
 Or maybe just those who played it when it came out and enjoyed the hell out of it.
 Or maybe you hated it, let me hear why!
tl;dr Knifey finished Max Payne 2 and loved the hell out of it, brilliant game. Thoughts?
edit: I should also say, having played through 2 I now want to see the crappy movie that came out, help!!