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Deus Ex 3 Concept Art

As some of you may know, Deus Ex quickly became one of my favourite games of all-time when I finally finished it this last summer.  I had owned the sequel Deus Ex: Invisible War as well as Deus Ex for a really long time, and when I tried playing the sequel I was incredibly disappointed.  I have yet to get passed the first 30 minutes of that game.  Regardless of this fact (I still plan to maybe try beating that game one day) I was really looking forward to Deus Ex 3 ever since it was announced.  Mostly because the new studio working on the Deus Ex franchise (Ion Storm was shut down several years ago) said that they were going to remain very faithful to the original Deus Ex (Invisible War was not) and that they knew what the mistakes were that were made in Invisible War and had no intention of repeating them.  That being said, Deus Ex 3 is probably one of my most anticipated right now, second maybe only to Final Fantasy XIII and Dissidia: Final Fantasy, but it's really high up there...

Anyway a fresh new batch of concept art has been released, this is pretty much the first look we've had at the game.

Adam Jensen, the main character of Deus Ex 3.
Adam Jensen, the main character of Deus Ex 3.

I know it's only concept art, but the style of the outside city already has me incredibly psyched.
I know it's only concept art, but the style of the outside city already has me incredibly psyched.

I love the fusion of technology with the renaissance-era.
I love the fusion of technology with the renaissance-era.

For those of you that don't know, Deus Ex 3 is a prequel that takes place 25 years before Deus Ex in the year 2027.  The game is a FPS-RPG hybrid that centers around government conspiracies and all that jazz.  One thing I like about these concept images is that it looks like they are definitely trying to bring the badass value back to the main character (something Invisible War significantly lacked), Adam Jensen looks like a worthy successor to JC Denton, who sports a similar fashion style as well.

JC Denton, the main character of Deus Ex.
JC Denton, the main character of Deus Ex.

Also, there is an interesting magazine article about the game here, where you can read some more about the game's development.  There also seems to be a few scenes that look like in-game screenshots.