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Braid is Beautiful

I absolutely love the game, though I did have to leave on a little trip the day it came out and haven't finished it yet. I have still yet to finish it because of a serious Geometry Wars 2 addiction, specifically Pacifism, but I have played enough to give some impressions.

I do love the art style a lot, but honestly I am not the biggest fan of the character design (the protagonist and enemies). The game does look beautiful; looking at the original art and seeing how drastically the game changed is quite amazing. The game is also a lot of fun and is really challenging too. There are puzzles that may seem impossible at first, but soon you'll find out exactly what you have to do. You really feel smart after solving a puzzle, or possibly retarded for taking that long to figure out a simple puzzle.

The thing that surprised me the most, however, is the quality of the writing and short stories. It is so well written and a very interesting read. At first it felt a little out of place in my eyes, but it didn't take long for it to grow on me. Braid is a game I think everyone should at least may not be as fun or long-lasting as a game like GeoWars 2, but it will stay with you a lot longer than just a simple arcade game. Here's to hoping it finds its way to PSN because it deserves to get the biggest audience possible.