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2017 Classic Gaming Binge

A lot of classic game collections became available in the past year or two, and I figured this is a good year to catch up on some of the old-ass games I've missed in the past. So in 2017, I am going to play through:

  • Atari Vault (100 games)
  • Sega Genesis Classics on Steam (59 games)
  • NES Classic Mini (30 games) EDIT: WELP, GUESS THAT'S NOT HAPPENING
  • Mega Man Legacy Collection (Another 5 6 games)
  • EDIT: Disney Afternoon Collection (6 games)
  • EDIT: Namco Museum (10 games)
  • And six 19 other pre-PS1 games to make it an even 200

200 games might seem like a daunting task, but I think its doable. My definition of "play through" is a little loose, so for a lot of these Atari games I'll just poke at them for 3 minutes before I give up and move on. Also, I still don't have a NES Mini, but I figure it'll have to become available sometime in the next few months... Right?

EDIT: Well, Nintendo discontinued the NES mini which screws up my whole stupid plan. I'm really unreasonably angry about this... I guess I won't play a full 200 games. I'll probably just buy the Disney Afternoon Collection and call it a day.

EDIT: Adding the Namco Museum onto the pile. Ten more games, 181 total.

EDIT: Turns out, I had a friend with a NES and SNES in his basement! *wink* So I added 19 games to bring it up to an even 200. Its early November right now, and I'm in the home stretch... I have thirteen games I bounced off of already, which I'll at least revisit briefly. And three bonafide classics from my youth that I'll replay for funsies.

List items

  • What is it? -- A very stylish beat-em-up with some adventure game elements.

    When did you play it? -- I watched on YouTube in early November and tried to play it a couple times before that.

    Did you play it back in the day? -- No

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- The gameplay didn't grab me, but I LOVE the style of this so much. It really personifies the best and worst of '90s pop culture.

  • What is it? -- A unique JRPG where everyone has a green face for no apparent reason.

    When did you play it? -- Early November

    Did you play it back in the day? -- No

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- Its strange as hell. Maneuvering through the overworld takes place in a first-person perspective which is hard to control... And the combat is very wonky. This seems like a bad game.

  • What is it? -- A beloved JRPG for Genesis

    When did you play it? -- I played about an hour back in the summer.

    Did you play it back in the day? -- No

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- This seems very good, but I can't justify putting so much time into it when I have modern 80-hour RPGS like Divinity: Original Sin 2 to get through. It did impress me, if I were to play through just one of the Phantasy Star games it would be this one.

  • What is it? -- Also a beloved JRPG for Genesis

    When did you play it? -- I played about an hour back in the summer.

    Did you play it back in the day? -- No

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- This is more old-fashioned and clunky compared to the game above, but it still seemed solid. If I were to make time for two games in this series, this would be the 2nd on my list.

  • What is it? -- The black sheep of the Phantasy Star series.

    When did you play it? -- I played about 20 minutes back in the summer.

    Did you play it back in the day? -- No

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- I didn't necessarily see what was so bad about this game in the short time I spent with it. But the consensus is pretty clear about this being the worst game in the series.

  • What is it? -- A strategy RPG for Genesis

    When did you play it? -- I played about a half-hour back in the summer.

    Did you play it back in the day? -- No

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- This made a very bad first impression on me. When you walk up to the villagers and push A you don't just talk to them like a normal RPG. Instead it opens a menu from which you have to manually pick 'Talk' to initiate a conversation. I realize I'm being unfair but that shit drives me crazy and I have limited gaming time.

  • What is it? -- A strategy RPG for Genesis

    When did you play it? -- I played about a half-hour back in the summer.

    Did you play it back in the day? -- No

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- This has the the same problem as the game above. I will say though that the intro sequence was very well done and got me to care about the story right away.

  • What is it? -- A NES game. It was popular in its heyday, but now seemingly everyone hates it.

    When did you play it? -- Early November. I got up to Stage 4.

    Did you play it back in the day? -- No

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- I was enjoying the game for a while, it seemed like a solid platformer. But I was struggling to get past the third level so I looked online...

    Apparently there are some tacked on RPG elements that are not well thought out. You're expected to spend a lot of time grinding in the early levels to get health. After spending a good hour grinding to get my health up to something reasonable, my enthusiasm for the game had completely gone. Two stars.

  • What is it? -- The iconic edutainment classic.

    When did you play it? -- November 19

    Did you play it back in the day? -- Sure, back in 2nd grade the kids would take turns playing this on the old Apple II machine.

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- Sort of... I shouldn't have played as the banker, it makes the game way too easy. Its still a fun little 45-minute experience, but a little too simple and hard to recommend outside of nostalgia reasons. Its freely available to play on if you're interested. Three stars.

  • What is it? -- The single best game on the NES.

    When did you play it? -- November 19

    Did you play it back in the day? -- Yes, but not as much as SMB1 or SMW. I never managed to beat it until the GBA remake.

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- Yes, if anything I can appreciate the game more now as an adult. I've probably played SMW too many times now, but SMB3 is something I'd like to keep coming back to. Its consistently challenging without ever being unfair and does a great job of rewarding exploration and creativity. Five stars.

  • What is it? -- A masterpiece.

    When did you play it? -- November 20 thru 22

    Did you play it back in the day? -- Yes, I borrowed it from a friend but only got up to the underwater boss before I had to give it back. That was over twenty years ago... I'm so glad I finally finished it.

    How is it? Does it hold up? -- Yes. There have been many, many imitators but there's only one Super Metroid. Its so densely packed with secrets, the atmosphere is so claustrophobic and intimidating, the exploration feels so rewarding... Other metroidvania games may be bigger, look better, have better combat, etc, but there's some kind of special alchemy that went into Super Metroid's development that no one has been able to replicate. Five stars.

    And that's it, that's the end of 200 games. If anyone actually took the time to read my little journal here, thanks a lot! Hopefully you got something out of it. Happy gaming!