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Characters we can learn from

In this list, I run through some of the game characters with personalities and actions that we could all learn from

List items

  • Niko Bellic is a man who has practically lived in hell. An ex-soldier, problems continue to follow him as he moves to Liberty City. Niko tries to live decently, and can be caring to those close to him and horrible to his enemies. He is proof that in a world on fire it is still possible to hold onto values such as family, goodwill, and decency.

  • "Your princess is in another castle!" Mario is a man of persistence, to say the least. His beloved Peach is taken away from him time and time again, and he always rises to the occasion to save her, even if it involves going through countless castles before finding the right one. Sure, he might not be the best at navigating (else he would've found the castle she was in first!) but nothing can beat his can-do attitude.

  • Now, Wander is an interesting character. On one hand, you have a man willing to do anything it takes to save his woman, even if it involves slaying a few colossi that aren't even looking for a fight in the first place. On the other, you have to wonder, when is far enough, far enough? For one, he's stolen some legendary sword and entered a FORBIDDEN LAND. Plus, with each kill he becomes less and less human. While I don't want to spoil how the game ends (for those four people who haven't played Colossus yet), the character makes you wonder, how far are you willing to go?