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Finally patched!/Gamespot problem

Hey guys long time no blogged, was busy with work for school and all with my exams coming next week but yeah finally Gears of War 2 got patched! Getting into games is now easier than ever and I'm enjoying it :D Other than that I was planning on posting reviews for both World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King and GoW 2 just to give a small opinion on the games. I'm also excited for the Rock Band 2 instrument kit coming out in Europe this week or the following one (they said the beginning of December) :DDD

  Anyways lately my blogs been quite short but I really can't see the point of writing anything major until somethin major happens... Like the TR:U (Tomb Raider Underworld) reviews, they weren't allowed to have a review of less than 8/10 for its first weekend...It's the whole Gamespot problem all over again! When will the industry learn? I mean gamers are pretty well informed and this was meant to leak out so yeah its gunna give us another reason not to buy the game no?

That's my opinion
so LethalKi11ler signing out