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Day 1: Games I've Played in 2015

One of my New Years resolutions is to catalog all the games I play in 2015. Let's start it off shall we?

WWE Supercard - I got in to this game just before Christmas after hearing Jeff talk about it so much. It is bad, but I want to keep playing. I'm only a few matches from the Super Rare Paige. I drew a Super Rare Goldust now I can make a Super Rare Goldust Pro. Goldust looks goofy. I can't stop playing this game though. I have limited myself to only playing it when I am standing up.

Trivia Crack - Was looking for a Trivia Game to play today. It's okay, definitely came across some questions that have incorrect answers. I do like the challenge mode it has to take away pieces. Though they give you so much time to answer questions you can easily look it up on a PC while playing.

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Just got back into this game after 3 years. Used to play an Imperial Sniper who was all Light Side. Now playing as a Sith Sorcerer going all Dark Side. The Dark Side choices are just plain dumb. "Hey thanks for helping me, now you die." "Hi, nice to meet you!" Force Lighting!. Not really following their emotions, just being a dick and killing everyone.